hey guys welcome back to channel as some of you might have noticed over the last few months Lexi and I have not been posting as much as usual and I don’t want to sit here sugarcoat it lie to you guys be very vague about it I want to be very straightforward Lexi and I are about to break up I’ve shot this video like eight or nine times now over the last week because I’ve gone through so many different emotions it’s been an emotional roller coaster I wrote down everything I want to say but also that
way you guys have every single answer you need to know what’s happened what’s been happening and what’s been happening going forward it’s just me today Lexi wanted to be here to tell you guys and explain but I’m not letting her I just feel more comfortable doing this on my own social media today is not what it was five years ago or even what it was before covet there’s a standard of being Perfect online all the time and the reality is no one’s perfect for a little bit of background we’ve been making
content since September of 2020 and for those that might know my mom passed away from cancer five years ago since then the night between myself and my family has changed drastically and not in a positive way it resulted in my father and I having some really severe problems that led to me falling to a deep depression this is probably the hardest video video I’ve ever had a film not only how many times I’ve done it but of how severe the situation actually is and I’m not talking about Lexi and I I’m
talking about the situation between my father and I I really want to dive in further on what’s been going on but I’m genuinely afraid I’m terrified to open up about it because I know if he sees this video he’s not gonna have anything nice to say the harsh problems have been occurring between my father and I have been a parent since Lexi and I first started dating and it’s only gotten worse Lexi’s done everything in her best abilities since we started dating to help mitigate every situation to know
about and I know if it wasn’t for Lexia I wouldn’t be sitting here in front of you guys today nor would any of this Social Media stuff ever actually be possible she was the one who originally had the idea to start posting content in the first place she was everything I ever dreamed of and I always want to do anything I could at the time to make her happy so I did the social media because I knew it would make Lexi happy the thing is also at the time we didn’t know where the Social Media stuff was gonna
go we were just being silly having fun making videos together as a couple I will say even though I didn’t want to make all the content stuff at the time making those videos with Lexi are some of the happiest memories I ever had in our relationship although as we were growing on social media the problems you my dad and I were growing as well so we decided to pick up move to New York City try to do the social media thing see where it would take us and then try to get jobs in the fields we wanted to in a hindsight it was a genius plan in
reality it was the worst decision we’ve ever made in our entire relationship the problems got so so so so bad that Lexi sat me down and said listen I see how bad you’re getting I see how you’re not okay and I really wanted to be so I wanted to step back worry about yourself and not worry about anything about social media because I’ll take care of everything and that’s what I did so in my brain after Lexi told me that I prioritized only the relationship and the problems my dad and I neglected the
work completely letting Lexi control everything we had to do for social media and for a moment it actually all worked we were growing significantly in New York we were doing really well but the project with my dad and I were just too significant that they weren’t going away and they were only don’t ask me how wow they were only getting worse it led to periods where I was getting better and then I was falling back even deeper every single time and it built a cycle one day I could be on my Peak I could be
so great and the next day I was five levels lower than I was three days before and we were growing so much it wasn’t just Tick Tock anymore it was YouTube Tick Tock Instagram Snapchat so many different things and Lexi was controlling everything we were getting brand deals going to events we had all these amazing opportunities and I was the only person not seizing any of it we decided that maybe moving away from my father and my family was the better decision for us so the beginning of 2022 we decided to pick up and we moved to
Boston and at that point the growth on the social media side was so beyond anything we had ever imagined I was so blinded to the fact that Lexi was working her ass off making five Tick Tock videos a week two YouTube videos and let me tell you guys each of these YouTube videos that Lexie put down for us takes eight to ten hours to make each so let’s put this into perspective she got a master’s degree she was taking care of me she moved twice and she was handling our entire job for us it was way too much work for one person to
handle since we are a couple’s page we know that work should be split between the two people and I wasn’t doing it and inevitably this started to cause problems between us she came to me for help multiple times and we would tell each other that we would split the work that we would find ways that we would build these schedules Lexi held up her end of the bargain during this entire thing and I did not Lexi burned herself out so bad she started losing herself her confidence her creativity she lost everything that made her her she fell
into a deep-seated depression as well she lost the ability to help me work through my problems she lost the ability to come up with content ideas to produce all these videos for you guys and because she was so focused on saving the work and saving me she couldn’t save herself from falling and as soon as the content started slowing down because she got burnt out everything got exponentially worse we started to get into this talk cycle of not working taking breaks and working again thinking men for taking the breaking take another
break and inevitably this ended up making us angrier and angrier and angrier with ourselves with each other when I still didn’t bother trying and because this is just getting worse worse worse worse we started to clearly see a wedge build between us and our relationship we started to realize that we forgot how to communicate how to appreciate and how to love each other the right way that we did when we first started dating it was something that was neither of our faults but it ended up building a hatred and resembling towards
each other that neither of us could properly understand we really do love each other she is literally the best person I’ve ever met in my entire life I know for a fact she is the smartest most intelligent most caring most loving she’s the best person I’ve ever encountered in my entire life there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with and there’s no one I would rather fight till the very very end to make sure none of this goes away I can’t stand to see her in this state anymore I
don’t want to break up with Lexi and I know she doesn’t want to break up with me I think we’ve also been realizing that sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time and frankly I think that’s what happened with us we were meant to meet and I think we are soulmate and we were meant to be together but I think we met at the wrong time that’s just life and for those of you that say that those relationships don’t work out screw that we’re gonna work out and we’re gonna be better than
we’ve ever been before I would give up everything in my life for her and she would yell at me for saying that and that’s why I love her so much so to keep us together we’ve mutually decided to take a momentary break from one another Lexi needs some time off of social media and I need some time alone to get my priorities in order it’s extremely difficult but we know it’s the right thing because you guys gotta remember at the end of the day there would be no content if there was no Austin or Lexi
we realize now that every relationship is a two-way street but a relationship cannot Thrive if the people in their relationship are not okay with themselves as for my family issues I am working on that too I don’t have a definite answer on what’s going to be happening with that right now but I do know this for sure I want to have a relationship my father and I want everything to be okay but right now I need to learn to separate that part of my life with this part of my life you guys are a family and you guys deserve
to know what’s been going on for the last few months for now on we will be coming to you guys a lot sooner when these problems do occur but not every time our relationship is private and we do want to keep it that way as much as possible since we know we are a couple content creators everything about our relationship it comes online but there are aspects to it that we do want to keep private to ourselves and we hope you guys could respect that so for the time being we are going to take this break from one another and we’re gonna
try to work through this you guys got to realize we’re 23 and 24. we do not have our lives together at all and we’re really tired of pretending that we should social media can be very dangerous and we need to figure out how to do this the right way we will never lie to you guys and I’m sorry this seems a little over dramatic or it seems like we’ve always been having problems because of the truth as we weren’t and this was long overdue we really do love you guys and we’ve really really been
afraid to come out about this for a very long time because we were afraid what you guys might think of us what you guys might say about us and we really don’t want to warp the perceptions that you guys might have towards us because the problems that we’re having do not determine who we are as people every single person has problems in their life we’re going to come back better than ever the Sim king and queen are not going anywhere we love you all and we’ll see you guys real soon that’s around.