
I want out so [Music] bad hey guys welcome back channel it’s me Austin and I’m scared and I’m Lexi today we are at Woods of Terror here in greenb North Carolina and I don’t like haunted houses we’re about to take him through 16 of them I brought him here 5 years ago and he chicken out so he’s never done this I’ve done this he has not I C like full-blown cried sat in the car for 2 hours while Lexi and our friends went through it but I’m going to rede myself tonight I’m going to make it through all 16 houses

without crying one time we will have nobody with us we are going by ourselves and our cameraman Lauren so wish us luck here we go before we journey through the haunted houses Lex and I had to check out the Midway common area not only were we Amazed by the facilities we were blown away by the cast of Spooky characters we encountered before entering the traction I look behind you I actually felt the poop come out will you clean my butt for me though only if you get on your knees and you get the blood flowing o oh what T

Austin he’s a funny one I like you you’re a good one my but does smell though I didn’t want to smell yours tiies the beard would lead to me that it’s Harry and I like Harry GRS yeah if this was just a warmup I can’t even imagine how scary the actual houses are going to be okay maybe just a little [Music] scary are we fun tonight anyways the cast at wood of Terror stayed in character the whole time and really knocked out of the park we also happen to run into some of you guys we love you and I was challenged to a match of ax

throwing it didn’t go my way better luck next time weak I know I was weak won’t be next time he’s right I’ll be [Music] dead now I’m starting to get like cuz I don’t think I don’t think we’ve ever done an actual haunted house by ourselves before like obviously you go with other people you don’t ever have the experience to go on your own and we’re like the first people of the night so like these people are going to be ready to go I’m just going to try not to cry tonight that is my only goal look at

look at her she’s ready got in right there why am I going first why am I going first why am I going first oh no no no they’re not I know they’re not real but where where are the people it’s not real it’s not real I see oh my God it’s cool in here it’s kind of a Vibe nice in here I like it in here CL no I don’t like clowns I don’t do [Music] clowns I just want to pet the wall someone could be behind the box I someone be behind the box is someone behind the box no no one’s but someone’s

in the Box in the Box’s in the [Music] [Music] Box one’s this my [Music] God Hy oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] God I’m sweating I’m I’m I don’t want to why stop that oh my God I feel like I’m in the

fly of Despair no I can’t wait wait I need you slow down I Need Just Close Your Eyes close your eyes Lauren’s got to do this our camera cam got to do this backwards no oh my God oh my God I just that oh I did it there’s more you’re not even halfway through [Music] what oh no no iy I don’t like this I got protect you let me protect you from the demagorgon ready he would hit you right away [Music] is [Music] with my I don’t know it’s his fault your

I am literally doing that right now am I [Music] you do back back up I can’t Welcome to our grand reopening some don’t worry my hands are clean I just L it it’s my own sweat to tears I held back on the blood tonight for wish you what’s the matter you ready close I don’t know why time for the show the the scream voice is kind of hot I know so scary I’m regretting this I’m I’m really

regretting this C Crystal Lake no that’s figh in the 13 yes who’s the villain I don’t know you don’t know his name Jason yes Jason if you can hear me don’t do it don’t do it I I guessed the name before see it Jack Sparrow in here Jack where are you there is no Jack Sparrow here only a light for trespasses to Hur one in front of the other for wall not very poite to trash like I’m literally going to punch someone in the face on [Music] accident aome okay continue don’t pop out of the don’t pop

out of the window I why are you dancing because it’s caling me [Music] down closer no look over here you told me to come to you he said come [Music] closer no it’s just a sound they just play sound effects to get you that is someone singing that is a child singing don’t oh my God kind of got a good voice though a good tone sing I know you can [Music] sing I your TR off [Music] where’s our go

friend we bud [Music] bud oh my God it’s him I found him come Jo Where are you take my head you must be careful yes when go it’s not real it’s not real it’s not real are you sure I’m real as smells good there’s a wind too not with oh my God oh [Applause] my come on how do we get out that way

this way wa to you home oh I’m just bur to take you all apart to see what makes you trick you perf I am perfect y have Aion not me I’m not delusional don’t you have some place don’t you have some place to be welcome to Brook Haven with a patient Al loose and so am I and I introduced you into a labotomy I would love right to the right it will only hurt if you put up a fight oh my God I’m not good I’m not I want to go home I want to go home he looks like he’s been I don’t know what I don’t know

what’s real what’s not not real not real not that’s real yet take bite take a nice big bite do not take a bite a is it chicken no no open I’m going to throw I’m going to throw he’s eating it he’s really eating it the chicken smells like chicken is it done is it over is that it is that it oh that’s it we’re done oh oh in [Music] [Applause] okay we made it out thank you guys so much for watching today’s video make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button and turn on this

notification [Music] Bell no no no no I don’t want I don’t want anything about okay that that’s a WRA .


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