Ultimate Women Knowledge Test: Is My Boyfriend Clueless?


explain girl math no Austin no the masculine thing in me is to grab him by the oh what what the fist in Europe hey guys welcome back channel it’s me awesome and I’m Lexi today I’m going to be quizzing my boyfriend on his knowledge of women not to be confused with the last like women’s quiz that we did where I like kind of questions about like the female anatomy this one’s more just about like what girls say like what girls do like just like a girl behaviors I think I’m gonna do better here than I

did on the female I completely disagree this Foster today’s video is matchmaster match matches is a PVP match player game where you play against real people online Lex and I just started this game and we literally cannot stop playing it wait can we actually play a match should we tell them about the game fine but no cheating I don’t matchmasters allows players from around the world to compete head to head in real time as they try to become the first player to achieve the highest score there are tons of powerful

boosters exciting game modes and different ways to strategize and win there’s something for everyone so whether you want to just collect in-game items like stickers or booster packs or play your way to the top become the top player we promise you won’t want to put this game down but the best part is when we’re not together because we can still play against each other so for instance when I go back to New York and let’s see States in Massachusetts we can still play head to head in real time and she

can still kick my ass yep every time if you want to try matchmasters for yourself use the link in the description below or scan the QR code that’s been chilling on the screen the whole time because if you scan the code or use the link in the description we’re gonna be gifting you guys one free gift box to get ahead of all your other opponents you can’t be worse than Austin I’m sorry thank you so much matchmasters for supporting this Channel and don’t forget to use the link in the description or

scan the QR code on train to claim your forgive now now let’s get back to the video so I can try to make a comeback real quick so today’s categories are terminology fashion secrets we hide from men things you should just know and sex and relationships things you should just know I don’t know what’s going to be in there well you shouldn’t know them so you shouldn’t be worried I’m gonna go with an easy one terminology for 100.

explain what serving means [Music] I never heard cervix I’ve heard serving serving’s like uh you know you’re showing off you’re doing something good okay or like you look good you’re serving the sweater so maybe serving is like a meme good good serving take serving realness to the next level it’s power any gender is able to serve it’s a mindset think of like Beyonce Renaissance tour like all around secrets we hide from men for 200.

true or false our periods affect our gastrointestinal system and bowel movements true [Applause] I thought about the fact that when you get your period it swells up and you pee a lot more I’m a period Pierre I’m just a frequent peer fashion for 300 orange is a blank color and I want you to fill in with a season the New Black spooky season is a fall color oh let’s do fashion for 200 then white is a blank color neutral no fill in with the season I’m sorry white is a summer color where it’s our baby things you should just know for

200. what is Selena Gomez’s makeup brand rare rare what rare Beauty sex and relationships for 400. complete the scenario me and you are at a club on Saturday night together when another man approaches me and offers to buy me a drink punch him in the face I decline but the man is persistent and won’t leave even after I express I’m in a relationship what do you do the masculine thing in me is to grab him by the tell him to get away from my woman all right but the polite and mature thing to do She’s Mine she told you no already so if

you’re gonna keep on being persistent my fist and your ass are gonna be the last line was a little questionable but I’m gonna say you passed let’s do terminology for 200. explain what means is that like do flu lemon what like a little lemon dupe Lulu it’s knock off Lululemon Lululemon do incorrect A cuter term describe someone who is delusional or crazy so you’re the blue oh no like like no not okay sorry no no like she’s not that’s how I would say to some of them secrets we hide from men

for 100. true or false girls have a different kind of underwear for their period false you know how like I say like I I like I need to wear my period underwear no spicy info typically yeah it’s for thongs right yeah but like when I’m on my period it’s just uncomfortable and like I like to wear like granny panties have you ever seen the ingredients oh now let’s do section relationship for 200.

name of all seven erogenous zones on women think of all the spots that you know that you could hit that I would like think about from head to toe okay titties I don’t know if you’d count the vagina the whole is one ass feet I feel like would be its own separate one labia majora your neck that’s seven okay I’m surprised it took you so long to get neck thought of it originally but on your lips neck oobs butt inner thigh and your kitty yours I’ve never heard of when I thought of that this question I think is up for a little bit of debate

only because this is what Monica was talking about in the episode of friends that this is what like if you look up all the seven of Rogers seven episode these are the ones that come up but I also think now nowadays feet could easily replace like ears I’ve never met anyone that’s in two ears fashion for 100 purple is a blank color spring lock into my answer to be fair I actually use the lavender in this which is a spring color I’ll give you a point for that let’s do things you should just know for 100. who

is Taylor Swift dating right Thomas Kelsey sex for 100. tell me a way that’s cheating that isn’t really cheating because I’m just so anti-cheating that I can’t even think of a scenario that would even be considered cheating I’m like be blinking out right now having like a sex dream with a celebrity by another girl Starbucks nah that’s just cheating uh you’d never buy another girl Starbucks hell no unless you were with me and you gave me oh let’s do terminology for 300. I’ve been really

struggling with that one explain girl math I let’s say you went to Starbucks right okay you know you pay with your app every single time you’re gonna rank up enough points or credit in your account where you’re not gonna have to pay real money so rather than you’re buying Starbucks Starbucks is giving you the free drink I get where you were going it’s illogical math but the outcome of what you’re actually doing in your brain is you saving money okay yes that’s one hour later two hours later when your lipstick

and you you oh I gotta go buy new lipstick because this one’s empty but it’s not actually empty it’s almost empty so okay I I understand that you have cash and you have yourself no it’s not just never mind you have no idea what it is so you need to get my hair done right I went to the salon and they said okay you need to give me a down payment of 20 bucks okay so my appointment wasn’t until like three weeks later my appointment they charged me sixty dollars the hair appointment is 60.

that mess isn’t there if I don’t spend enough to get free shipping I’m losing money [Applause] [Music] secrets we hide from men for 300. how often do we really wash our bras every 10 wears even summer and then summer that’s sanitary sex for 300. what is my love language and bonus two points if you can name all five love languages your love language is words of affection it’s words of affirmation okay it’s words of affirmation gifts physical touch sex mine is Quality Time or acts of service

yours my love is words of affirmation so words of affirmation acts of service receiving gifts quality time and physical touch I don’t deserve you now let’s do the last 300. name two sets of female celebrities that have feuded with each other this year two sets oh oh my God Ariana Grande and SpongeBob’s wife Courtney and Kim Kardashian who beat Haley Bieber and Selena Gomez let’s do terminology for 400.

I’d like you to give me at least two true examples of how a girl would comment on another girl’s Instagram post yay with the nail emojis you’re such a queen slay yes Queen okay I will I will accept that sex for 500 on average how much does do women spend each year to look good for men because you can give me a Range low end 2 000 two to five k so it’s between 1K and 4K a year men spend an average of 50 less every month for the men watching this if you have a girl who gets her nails done gets her hairs done puts makeup on gets dressed

for you every day appreciate that and then look how much you’re spending tool good for her things you should just know 500. name five couples that broke up this year Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas are kind of a him no can’t have a hint I’m trying to think of Taylor Swift dating this year I don’t know the guy’s name that’s my issue it’s like I don’t know anything if you can give me his first or last name or even the initial his first name the guy that Taylor’s with for six years

couldn’t even give you the initial Ariana Grande and uh uh Dalton pattern Swift and Harry Styles I don’t remember what I said I can’t get one more hand no [Music] oh Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott I forgot about that Camila Cabello oh I forgot about that because I remember the whole thing at Coachella our last and final question name three things that happen to a woman’s body when she gets her period your uterine lining sheds mood swings sometimes you get uploaded you could have cravings get hangry you

could just be angry cram smooth swings appetite changes bloating breakout sleep changes sore titties headache back issues the list goes on and wanna have to deal with nothing and that’s pretty pathetic I did pretty bad let’s get this video to 3 000 likes love you all we’ll see you next week that’s a wrap you lose you cheat every single time you’re just bad I know well guys if you want to try matches for yourself make sure to use the link in the description below or scan the QR code on stream

because don’t forget we are gonna be giving you guys one free gift box and maybe you’ll have the chance to become better than Lexi because we both know I’m not like I said you cannot be worse than us thank you match Masters for supporting the channel and guys make sure to go try the game for yourself because you literally as like she said can’t be worse than me foreign.


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