oh [Music] hey guys welcome back to channel it’s me Austin and I’m Lexi it is officially the day after Thanksgiving which means it’s time for Christmas time so we went out and we bought a bunch of Christmas themed food and candy and we are going to taste test all of it first thing that we are going to try Sour Patch coal black raspberry flavored it looks like tiny lumps of coal it’s like like rat poop like rap that you’d find in your basement or something ready this is the blue raspberry Sour Patch
Kid but black I’d give those like a Tootsie Roll snowballs it also looks like poop [Music] that was so weird oh [Music] three out of ten two out of ten weird Ali Ghirardelli gear Deli good girl Deli garage Deli here Delhi Kira Deli there’s the deli let’s go to the deli and try some white chocolate sugar cookie you hate white chocolate I don’t like white chocolate I love white chocolate I don’t want you to break your new nails that you just got done I don’t want you to break your nails out you just got done I
don’t want you to break your nails I don’t accept failure this smells like cheese man it looks like cheese I don’t like it I don’t like this white chocolate this is good it tastes like a literal sugar cookie let’s go to all reliable full-size Krabby Patty full size I’ve been a SpongeBob fan since the womb these are massive wow you guys this is a giant gummy thing they got the bun they got the lettuce they got the Patty they got the bun that was really good they even have detailing on the patties I don’t know if
you guys will be able to see it on the camera but there’s a little like Little Richard Marks on the patties I’d give this seven Krabby Patties out of ten Krabby Patties oh the lettuce tastes very different it does taste like lime SpongeBob you never deliver disappointment Pizza is the pizza for you and me Max we got two types of Junior men’s peppermint crunch and one of them I think just has the cream is red and green oh these look like Junior Mints with disease they got the chicken pox Lexi’s favorite thing in the world is
mint mint and chocolate I don’t want the one you bit into I’ll just take my own no this is my first time ever having Junior Mints you like it that was good but I could not eat it in like a whole box you hey oh they’re both so good Oreos snowballs oh what a cute little container can I take it it’s a chocolate outside this is a chocolate ball cream filled candy with cookie pieces so I like the way the inside looks it’s freaking me out but it looks like cheese I didn’t enjoy this good idea bad execution three out
of ten where was the flavor I think we need a power cleanser before the next one’s there seven Up Jelly Beans they had a root beer one Dr Pepper 7Up and orange soda he picked seven up over the orange soda can we roast them in the comments for that that’s actually fire that’s so good 10 out of 10.
those are mine I am so against this type of candy my favorite why can’t I just enjoying cotton what like why why can’t I ever have peeps snowmen drop a comment down below whether or not you like Peeps and if you like peeps what flavors do they give you in your mouth I’d love to know guys the Snowman progressively got better oh that was so good Tom there’s literally another peep right here this is hard foreign [Music] I’ll give you flavor their chocolate coated on the bottom that looks so good I don’t want to
disturb the nest which one do you want to try first let me take the one with the most up eyes I want you to take the one that looks the most perfect that way you feel like you’re eating it Seoul I like it I like it either it’s like peppermint flavored cardboard the jelly beans are just really good I like those actually so I get those like a three out of ten also okay next we got two things of warheads blue raspberry cubes and holiday treats interesting I bet those blue ones are so good blue makes stuff taste better
rules so I’m gonna try a tree which is green apple Lexi goes for the blue obviously foreign level as the chocolate peeps looks like gum it’s the Icebreaker gum these are better than those 100 I need something that’s like you know not candy gingerbread they’re so tiny oh ah they’re cute little men those are awful [Music] [Applause] are we just being Debbie downers or is everything actually really bad no I think we’re being picky no I know a lot of people hate this type of candy holiday dots cherry lime and vanilla it
looks like a zit it’s like that one ZIP from Wizards of Waverly don’t put it on my face that talks I didn’t feel it I have feel it on my face why does it look like a pimple this is a this is a green one I got to throw my teeth oh the lime is good nine out of ten I give these names so another very interesting fact about grocery chocolate yeah it’s gonna make you never look at Hershey’s chocolate the same so there’s actually a type of acid that they use to produce the chocolate you can only find
the acid in of one other substance on Earth it’s throw up have you ever tasted Hershey’s childhood like that what’s that weird aftertaste like it actually is just like gross or just like I don’t know like weird the acid that’s in it is the same acid that’s like yeah throw up so I’m guessing we’re not gonna try this then right it’s really pretty actually the idea of the Pew after I put into it made me almost Dunkin chocolate if you are from the East Coast specifically the Northeast
you know how important Duncan says to us when I saw this I shot my pants stop don’t man handle the Box there’s three flavors there’s Boston cream brownie batter and chocolate cream I opened the chocolate cream one it’s a white chocolate outside I’m gonna assume chocolate inside and they look like donuts 10 out of 10.
if you guys like chocolate you like Dunkin Donuts go try these okay this next one is not really Christmas themed but it’s my favorite but it is so good we found this in the Christmas section they are Fruity Pebbles cereal bites it’s a milk outside with a fruity pebble inside it smells so good imagine opening up a Fruity Pebbles cereal box it’s literally a bowl of Fruity Pebbles in your mouth in a ball this is by far the best thing that we’ve tried so far lucky just loves mint St Patty’s Day and Christmas time is like his favorite time
of the year oh I love it what are they called Shamrock shamrock shake I would literally inject that into my veins so it’s half a Milano cookie covered in chocolate with all peppermint candy cane [Music] I want to keep eating them but I don’t know feel well is it good [Music] I would love if you just put toothpaste and some hot fudge sundae sauce on it that sounds awful we are on our very last item and this is the biggest item of all a sample pack of cotton candy we got candy cane sugar cookie Cherry Berry
vanilla snow and hot cocoa so if you guys want to try these for yourself they sell them at Walmart it was five dollars for the whole thing I can’t believe we put this into our bodies the fact that this is edible is terrifying to you that just tastes like chocolate next we’re gonna try the vanilla snow but I like that a lot better than the cocoa ones okay I’m gonna take this away from you stop it stop put it down put it down Cherry Berry that just tastes like cotton candy this one is better than chocolate sugar
cookie I actually really like that one it tastes like a baked good tastes like an actual cookie last one candy cane I know this one’s gonna be bad the worst one I was about to say I would put this here we have now ranked from best to worst [Music] I don’t know the words to the song it is cause I’m Jewish chest that’s roasting not an open fire Jack Frost Hanukkah Harry no is that like he’s doing an action right Jack Frost lights the menorah Jack Frost nipping on some guilt no thank you so much for watching
today’s video make sure to drop a comment down below what you want to try or what is your favorite Christmas snack even if we didn’t try it here mine had to be the Fruity Pebble candy I think it was a Dunkin Donuts box I think I’m biased though make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and let’s get this video to 3.
5 key likes you guys have been killing it we’ll see you guys next week that’s a wrap.