
oh you get like a graze across was it a boob it didn’t feel like a boob S no oh it was stumbling okay are you ready yes [Music] hey guys welcome back channel it’s me Austin and I’m Lexi we are doing the touch of my body challenge the evil rating all that you you had that saved didn’t you oops so instead of doing the regular challenge we’re gonna be playing for a thousand dollars every single round if we get it right we will be rewarded with a hundred dollars so how to touch my body challenge goes one

of us is going to be blindfolded the other person will be taking their hand and place it somewhere on their body and they have to guess what it is we’re gonna do rock paper scissors to see who goes first ready crops Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh put the blindfold on me this is the first round for a hundred dollars are you ready yeah I can’t see don’t worry you’re holding up three fingers I’m not holding up anything see that’s how I would have known this is gonna be the

first one okay what is it what what can I feel it again was it a boob it wasn’t a boob it didn’t feel like a boob what it feels like a boo it is yes I got the Boom you want a hundred dollars for touching my boob can I touch your boob again for free are you ready I’m ready I just heard a zipper give me a finger oh give me a finger specifically give me one finger ready do you want to touch it again [Music] what does it feel like what does it feel like though what does it feel like to you it feels like skin

and it’s hairy do you think it’d be something else other than my body don’t worry guys don’t worry guys I know you can get it is your leg leg wrong was your take off your blindfold here’s my arm are you really don’t there you have no idea what you’re touching your mind plays games on you I thought I was feeling a bit I’m ready I smell it I haven’t even moved I smell it though oh what was it your thigh no we touch it let me let me go like oh what is that that felt like your legs I

didn’t even feel like a body part it just feels like skin like you have no hair on you so like I can’t even like narrow down to somewhere you’re literally like a naked mole wrap I’m going back I’m going back I just literally just my tummy are you ready no why are you always taking off your pants give me a finger why was I was I sorted into somewhere oh you get like a grease across you would not let me teach your like that you’re really bad [Applause] that’s cheating but I got you to believe it was my butt

100 bucks for the winner thank you on to the next one like oh your thigh it’s your thigh or your butt it feels like a naked mole rat like the rest of you hairless Everything feels the same your butt open your eyes are you ready give me your finger that was your toe that feels like a toe that feels like a cold clammy toe I knew it did it feel any different no I just know what your sweaty gross ass cold feet feel like on me stop get away from me don’t do that ew why yeah I don’t want it you do people would pay more than a hundred

dollars for that money now what’s crazy to me is that the fact that now I’m blindfolded all my other senses are heightened ready yeah what that’s a little hairy oh oh it was stubbly oh your armpit it smells like deodorant now it’s more money good sir two Enzo two hands two fingers like I want two separate fingers okay that was so loud do you want to feel it again no you don’t want to feel it again no what was it because I know where you put my fingers where that was the top of your top of your

teeth I have a question for you you know why couldn’t I just use one finger why did he why did you need both of my fingers are you sure I’m sure I’m sure [Music] you were right the first time I just wanted to mess with you afterwards okay so we have 300 left that neither of us have gotten yet we’re gonna do one more round one body part you have three seconds to touch it and you have three guesses okay ready yeah I heard your pants shop though oh it was wet that wasn’t three seconds also that was one second okay it’s all

right hold on count out loud one two three I hear your pants still though oh what I’m saying [Music] then what was wet that was really what was it like your cheat the entire nose look your tongue that’s like the oil yeah what yes yes it’s my tongue it’s my tongue not too bad are you ready for yours now no that was kind of hot I don’t know what you just did but that’s kind of hard but you did it not gonna lie can we get a hot cam so you know if you don’t get this right I win the 300 okay are you ready yes

one finger three seconds you ready she it felt like one of those goo balls like those slime balls or something like what was it your s are you serious [Music] why we’re gonna split the money since we both got it right you have one I have technically I I won 450 and I won 550. so I guess Austin knows my body better than I am his body okay guys we hope you enjoyed that video make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and drop a comment down below what was your

favorite part of the video all right guys we will see you on Friday that’s a wrap [Music] [Music] your dude people would pay more than 100 of that money now you know what maybe we rub both our feet on it stop you don’t you’re done you’re you’re you are done.


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