
you make the noises it’s like mean are you gonna be mad at me if I talk about it stop that’s far welcome back channel it’s me Austin and I’m Lexi and today we’re gonna be telling each other our biggest icks I have so many eggs so many icks how many icks would you say I give you like a day I’m gonna be completely honest this was really hard to do I just don’t believe him it took me so long to actually sit down and write down all the icks that I would even consider this is my topic on

the list topic I’m gonna start ranked no but it’s a super long list hold up I have like five written down for you can you just turn the phone around show them he said this was hard for me to come up with has like 50 things written down I kept writing them down as you were doing it for like the last three days one of the icks actually just happened before we started filming this cheese it’s because I’m lactose intolerant and I have to sit there and watch like she eat it when she knows I can and just

wait don’t be lactose intolerant you write it I just won’t my first egg when you look at me for more than 10 seconds sometimes you get this like really feral look in your eye and it just like scares me she’s like this crazy you get like crazy eyes you know what I’ll just stop gazing that you all in love with you say like [Music] especially when I’m eating oh my God oh my God I wanna oh it makes me so angry why I don’t know if you stare at somebody when you’re eating don’t do that are you disgusted by me are you

disgusted by the food that I’m eating like you’re this is the world’s pickiest eater and he’s always like I’m like why are you looking at my food by looking at me he’s like I’m just curious I’m like curious about what I’m like Loki an iPad kid I need to be visually stimulated at all times okay okay because you want to go Hardball in the building this is an ick that happened when we started dating until now it bothers me Lexi ruined movies for me she has this like I don’t

know if I’d call it a skill or like just knowledge about film that she could predict an entire TV show ending in the first 10 minutes of the first episode in movies TV shows I don’t even know what else we’ve watched together but she’s ruined it for me and then not even just that she taught me how to recognize all these things we watch Fight Club I guessed it how do you guess Fight

Austin is what I can hear you in the bathroom a library like the poop is it the fart sound it’s both it’s everything I have to go in the other room because I literally just can’t like look you in the eye when you walk out I will literally lay my life on the line for you I will do anything anything for you you obviously even funnier what I’ve been purposely going to the bathroom on different floors of the house recently because I’ve been self-conscious about it it’s not it but it’s not even like a

you thing it’s like an everybody thing no I’d be like this is so comfortable we’re so comfortable with each other at this point like nothing bothers us but like this has always just been like a thing for me if I was in the room with someone and there was a bathroom next to me and I said I feel like no it’s worse because you go you make the noises nextic when you don’t finish your Starbucks like I don’t even know it’s it’s two o’clock I bought this at 8am I guarantee you this

will not be finished today she would order ventis for a solid three months take maybe 10 sips and she was done do not deny that’s just a girl thing drop anybody yep I’m asking them okay drop a comment down below whether or not you finish your shopping I’m not even nervous about it I know they got my back I know you girls got me back on this one I feel like you’re gonna be mad at me for this one say it about your ickies like I literally call you an icky boy are you gonna be mad at me if I talk

about it I could you you can tell me you can tell me I won’t do it I would need your permission I need your consent let’s do it are you sure yeah but you might get soft to the pillow sure comfortable with it if you’re okay getting shot to fill out not no no okay shins make your decision wisely Austin gets these things out stop you’re doing the staring thing with the Crazy Eyes please okay so Austin gets these things that I like to call icky’s stop it’s just when his lips get a little chopped I I clean it up what

she’s referring to is that on the edges of my mouth dirt buildup not even dirt just like saliva yeah on my lips she calls them icky’s she calls me her little icky boy she’ll do this she goes she’ll wipe it off of me and then wipe it onto my shirt I’m not a weapon onto my shirt I’ll be wearing like my favorite shirt like my 150 shirt I have this one long sleeve there’s only 50 of them in the world let’s go like this I’m gonna take a bullet and you’re gonna take a bullet one one

compromise you got mad at me for bringing toilet paper upstairs it was when you criticized me for not putting the toilet paper in the thing I just left it on the counter why wouldn’t I criticize you for that that actually brings me to mind if you’re saying that right now so I have permission to do myself oh no I don’t say it stop I have another ick right now that’s actually on my list Austin half completes attack there’s no proof yes there is I want photographic evidence that I have complete tasks just the other day he

takes Lactaid for his lactose intolerance right he will leave the empty box in the cupboard until I throw up I throw it out and he can replace it with the new box okay but take out the roll of toilet paper but he won’t put it on the thing okay now it’s actually my turn when we’re getting it on and you’re about to sit and then the last second you don’t it just really bothers me like she gets me all

hyped up that she says and then all the time nah I don’t want him right now you just swallowed so loud I’m sorry I
didn’t know you found that icky it’s a cheese except me I hear your heart from here were you not expecting that do you know how to react this woman is the biggest backseat driver I’m like passenger princess nah I could sit at a red light I will look at my phone for two seconds Greenlight well you should no no more than three seconds so awesome literally drives like a challenge or like a sports car before we started dating he would speed everywhere like he was an driver so we started dating I had to train him not to

be an driver so like I’m still anxious about it I’m a New Yorker okay my next egg for you is your morning fart this is not just a normal morning fart you guys this could wake up a neighborhood this is like atomic bomb going off a farm I don’t know what is building up inside of you overnight for those eight hours but whatever it is man you gotta tell it to chill it’s like so loud and it lasts for like 10 seconds sometimes it plays A Melody like I don’t need to set an alarm for myself anymore

because that’s my alarm clock what is it what does it sound like [Music] um it’s one of those with the extra little part of that too my next ick I know I’m not the only guy that thinks about this the fact that you have to tell all your friends every little thing that happens between us yeah like I know your friends know the size of my dog you don’t tell any of your friends about anything if they ask I can’t even defend that that’s just a girl thing but like we have to it’s funny Lexi ran out of Vicks I could

keep going let’s keep it going you’re your feet smell so bad I know I I can’t control it though no get them away it’s actually not bad at all okay next stick when we’re watching a movie or a show and there’s a girl on the screen and you tell me to stop looking as if I was staring directly at their tits because you were looking like classes you were looking at Cassie’s tits from Euphoria all the time I was just watching the show okay okay I’ll move on to the next one you have too many unread messages

I I have not gotten used to this and it’s been three years whenever there’s an opportunity to stick a finger in my butt there’s a finger in my butt where are Ben we are cuddling we are asleep in the middle of the night that’s a girl thing I don’t get time off like you’re trying to stick fingers on my butt on every single occasion you get so I would never do that the guys know what’s up with this I literally a bunch of Steel now because of how much I clench my S is now Rock Solid how hard is it

that’s hard it’s not pleasant oh it’s Pleasant for me okay guys thank you so much for watching today’s video make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and drop a comment down below what’s your biggest hit are we gonna work on some of our EX on trying to make them not happen again I’ll work on eating cheese in private so you don’t have to watch me do it no in the closet and eat cheese okay guys let’s get this video to 3.5 K likes and

we will see you on Tuesday that’s a wrap thank you.


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