are you trying to tell me that you actually cheated on me no austin seriously [Music] hey guys welcome back to channel as some of you might remember last week lexi tried to prank me by bedazzling my ps5 and needless to say she failed i actually loved what she did on my ps5 and it currently sits next to my computer on my desk but she did still prank me so now it’s time to get my revenge on her i woke up this morning i told her hey i have to run out i have to go run some errands do some shopping so little does she know that while we’re
out shopping we are actually buying supplies to prank her we are going to be spraying myself in another woman’s perfume while i was in sephora i saw that they had this valentino travel size perfume on sale so i decided to pick it up but you know i really do feel bad sometimes when i pull these pranks on lexie especially a print like this where it makes it look like i was cheating on lexi because i would never cheat on lexi like she’s the love of my life all i ever want to do is make her happy but she pranks me all the time so it’s only
right that i get her back although at the end of this video to make up for me pranking lexi i went out and bought lexi a bunch of little goodies i got her a full-size bottle of the same perfume we you’re gonna be using for the prank some brand new eyelashes a brow studio kit and i’m about to run into ult and buy a few more things so i’m gonna wrap up getting everything together i’m gonna head back to the house when we get there we’re gonna spray myself in this perfume and we’re gonna get lexi’s reaction okay
guys so we just got back to the house we have just enough time to get the camera hidden somewhere to capture alex’s reaction so let’s spray myself in this it actually smells so cool it got in my mouth oh my god it’s strong okay let’s go inside get the camera hidden and get lex’s reaction okay so i just heard lexi’s tv shut up upstairs so that means she’s coming out any second i’m gonna go hang out on the out and wait for her to come down so we can see her reaction i should have asked you to get me um
oh wait i forgot my computer i should actually get me nipple covers i’m going to the mall i was considering asking but i didn’t want you to like walk out or like go up to the register with pasties you mean the chicken cutlets it smells weird here what were you saying you said your nose is something that’s not you what’s wrong why are you looking at me like that are you a perfume oh why do you ask trump do i smell like eye perfume somebody i know has that perfume that’s perfume that’s not cologne that’s
perfume i don’t know i know i was out shopping all right well now you’re active now you’re acting weird let me know immediately immediately it started acting weird all i said was i went shopping your funny hair is sitting up i was like no actually i’m actually serious somebody has that perfume what perfume i was just out trying come here i’m back here for a second that is you what is you it could have been the girls i was with casey casey has that perfume were you with casey no how’s that with some girls taught me
shaw okay it was casey i i needed some help dressing so casey and i went to the mall and she helped me buy something that just did not happen that just literally just did not happen were you really with my best friend were you really with her like i don’t want to cover it up it’s the fact that you caught me that quickly like what do you mean caught that like what were you doing she works and she took the day off where was pat doesn’t matter so i call her right now and i say were you with austin you want
me to call her yeah go go for it there’s nobody on the phone can you tell me what actually happened i’m not sure i’m really buying any of this but okay tell me when i was at the mall these girls came up to me and said i already don’t believe you why would they come to you i don’t know they just came up to me and they said that they wanted to shop they want to help you shop yeah they wanted to help help pick out clothes for you yeah i did the same thing that was okay make sense keep going that was it once
shopping they came back here what were their names i didn’t get their name what’s important who’s kids it was a cassian jessica do cassie and jessica live around here i don’t know they said that they go to boston university okay well they’re smart smart girls i guess they just wanna help me show up at one shopping i came back here and that was son of it why do you smell like a girl there’s absolutely no proof that i smell like the girl or was with her starting to bother me i believe the
i didn’t do anything well then why you smell like a girl i don’t know lexi i don’t know let’s see that’s what you look like and what you sound like you actually can you at this point can just actually answer me and she was a little stupid but you said yes but like like i don’t i but i don’t care that you’re with other girls but why i just why are you actually so suspicious about it are you trying to tell me that you actually cheated on me no austin seriously it’s not it’s time to
don’t get funny anymore i came back i love you all right i’m working i’m sorry i wanna actually give me a solvent so i’m just gonna go upstairs stop stop no no please please please please prank it’s breaking spring please please please please it’s a prank baby it’s a prank here’s a camera it’s a prank prank i love you i spray perfume on myself it is a prank i’m sorry i love you and i’m sorry please come here please come here please come here please come here please
i was not out with other girls i did go shopping though but i did not go shopping for me take the camera take the camera and let me show you everything i got i knew it i knew this was stupid i want you guys to know this entire time i literally knew it i was like wait i was literally waiting for you to tell me that it’s a prank there’s like there’s just no way that girls would come up to you i’m sorry i’m joking i’m joking i’m joking i’m joking i’m joking you are a very attractive boy you’re like a pretty
boy like you’re pretty awesome i didn’t even notice you have bags in your hands well you know i told you i’m ready for my presents now i’m not a gold digger i swear it guys i’m not hold on tell them i don’t like material items while you give me my presents i told them earlier that wait stop i’m sorry what perfume what perfume is that i have to know if that’s the perfume that casey it’s not oh i mean it is i mean i don’t know what i said i told them earlier that you know me i don’t like to pull
these pranks and i feel really bad okay so i had to make it up to you by buying you some goodies okay so first is the perfume here it is is it is that the one that casey uses a valentino yes yes this is it this is it this is it the jacket the the jagged edges it’s called don yeah oh my god it smells better in the bottle that’s not on you i think it was just because i was heated when i smelled it on you so i was like it smells bad but i got some mascara from mac that i know you use oh my god love it best mascara ever you
guys mac staff mascara a1 for my ladies and gents a1 two pairs of your favorite lily lashes lily lashes if you’re watching this sponsor elections i swear to god you guys i literally account for half of your sales every year i got you this fantastic brow studio kit oh my god this is perfect is it really yes i want you to know guys i was looking through all our text messages i was like you know what let’s see what she sent me and let’s see what i know she needs this is the this special special gift because i felt
really bad yes i got you this travel size one but i bought you a full-size bottle too to make up for it because i when i smelt it i knew you’d really like it and i told the nice woman at sephora i did speak to a girl but it was a sales associate she gave me a bunch of free samples oh my god i don’t know what it is she gave me brazilian bum bum cream i have never used this but i have heard great things about it shout out sephora employee you are a gem right now this is it i i mean i do really love it but you didn’t have to go this hard for
this prank that i didn’t even i didn’t even really believe it to be perfectly honest with you up until the end the end you had me a little bit the reason i knew that it was a prank was because i know that he would not cheat on me i had this whole elaborate story planned out in my head and everything exactly what i wanted to say and then i showed up and the minute you said casey i was like there goes my plan i she i swear to god i have to ask her she wears this perfectly does she let me text her right
now i was contemplating so much or whether or not i should do this praying on that soul factor of lucky knows i would never cheat on her isn’t that cute though it is but i’m kind of upset i went out of my way for like three hours shopping driving trying to find everything came back with gifts i would love you even if you just pulled the joke i know but like this sipping me couldn’t let that happen thank you guys so much for watching hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells
and please make sure to drop a comment down below your favorite part of the entire video i have an answer yes yes yes yes you guys the answer is yes it is her perfume i knew it okay guys we’ll see you next week that’s a wrap bye.