
getting worse somehow we felt so much pain in my hey guys welcome back to channel to me Austin and I’m Lexi and today we’re taking a time machine back in time oh I told him not to say that and I said it anyway today we’re going back and watching all of our original tick tocks from three years ago the cringe meter it’s about to just break I have pre-second hand embarrassment also before we get into this video we have a brand new Snapchat show that’s out right now the link is in the description below

we’re gonna be posting weekly episodes so we would really really appreciate it if you guys would just subscribe to it and I’ll cry if you don’t without further Ado let’s embarrass ourselves this is our first Tick Tock ever I would call some of our much older content more to the PG-13 area rather than the PG can you wipe your face for me really quick [Music] and yeah keep going we’ll keep going like make sure to get all over the place in your mouth get your mouth especially no not inside your mouth just your mouth

especially okay thank you now my seat is clean how did it taste really bad I remember that was my introduction to the word himbo because everyone was calling you a himbo what’s a himbo an attractive possibly Less in intelligent male yeah we hope your shirt please my feet are so cool no please no please this wasn’t even a tread Austin [Music] fun fact Lexi still does this till this day no no [Music] I’ll be here [Music] it’s the way that you fall for me like I look better than you

can’t even deny that maybe I should wear it out next time no okay oh and hit his head foreign [Music] won’t cheat on you without telling me how you know your boyfriend won’t cheat on you Austin what’s your best Pokemon card it is RV from Champions pad and I I remember I’m on my way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

do you not see the tears in my eyes I love you so much   goodbye yeah see ya macaroni with the chicken strips bombastic side eye criminal offensive isn’t it getting worse somehow it’s a mommy hi

hi give me back my hamster [Music] ouch that was our first video with a million likes I remember hating doing this we felt so much pain that like I don’t know why good morning Honey Bunches of Oats thank you hello my little Yankee Candle good am I a pie they put that on ridiculousness and they reacted to that little portion of the video making fun of me hi my sexy microwave oven hi microwave oven hi my potato now but you’re my potato hello my used tampon what why is it used

I mean why was it used how are you my hard-boiled egg what why can’t you just call me normal names speak reviews best Tick Tock she likes he likes he likes he likes he I figured it out I figured out why I don’t last long I can’t no I went on the interwebs download some PDFs did some research on WebMD and figured it out shout out Gryffindor okay fine why don’t you last long what do you mean what do you what do you know I mean you just said no what do you mean what do I mean what do you mean you said I don’t last long because you

don’t because you don’t I really should have like toad Lexi it was foreign why did you have to do that to me because you know [Applause] [Music] everyone dude that was like really funny but it like kind of gave me the egg a little bit I said he’s so sweet what are these tick tocks my eye I’m scared [Music] it got in your eyes sweetheart oh so we’re talking now I remember this what do you mean now when were we fighting nothing’s happened I was what why are you giving me that look I literally went out to go get the print

Freight and figure that out oh my God and I come back everything’s fine I go in my room to take us to get my bottle of water the captions and you’re mad at me [Music] am I mad at you I remember coming back from running errands let she not speak to me and doing that let’s also talk about the fact that that captioning was actually kind of funny putting googly eyes reaction s good morning babies good morning sweetheart baby I’m hungry hi hungry I’m dad oh my God are we together I thought you’re gonna go to the gym

today yeah I’ll go tomorrow baby what do you want to do today sleep eat repeat sir what were you doing in there oh my God let me have my own life [Music] I’m out to this day we still finish each other’s sandwiches top 10 girls I would cheat on my girlfriend with let’s do it number one no one because you have my entire heart and soul what why Austin don’t mind my messy room I don’t remember I have a presentation is this because of what I did yes no these are the top 10 guys that I would cheat on my boyfriend with

the first one is no one because I love you more than anybody else in this entire world do you the crazy thing about that was is that male cows don’t have udders or something disrespect I said Otis are trans icon oh my God this was our first crazy viral video shout out to the end why was I I’ve run like I’m in a dream in this video why am I running like that and why did you do that I don’t know where else to go why am I running so slow it’s bothering me I remember we did not get out of a single one until the end right now oh we

made it first one at least we did not go to the entire time without getting a single point [Music] shout out to these targeted boys yeah we’re golden will and Sarah Justice for Sarah though she had she literally was like that was so much fun I should do another one of those I had like a Captain Jack Sparrow run going on though oh my God 8.

3 good morning sweetheart is that Shawna likes I didn’t know that hey can I borrow this pair of shoes hey baby are there any pickles in there you mean drunk cucumbers relaxing baby what should I wear today absolutely nothing oh my God you’re finally getting on board okay you want to go to the gym will there be snacks there Austin can I drive when Connie is elected president that didn’t hang up well hey that’s my job I still do that look no let us know in the comments should we do another one put your BF in yoga positions but it’s actually positions

they put you in during sexy oh my God block your eyes you guys foul like we’re gonna block his you’re back in this yoga position that’s it that’s the stretch can you grab grab your legs hold the back of your thighs can you pull away I fall over your face there you go that’s it baby yeah yeah it’s a clench too bend your right leg to the side yeah that’s it these are yoga positions hey what the heck hello who’s there who’s there I don’t know why I don’t know why it’s

so funny to me I think it’s crazy to look at and see how much we’ve grown okay before we go guys make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe and turn on the notification bells and we will see you next week thank you.


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