you are looking I’m really upset I’m really really annoyed oh can we do that again hey guys welcome back channel it’s me Austin and I’m Lexi and today we are going to be letting the person in front of us decide what we eat for the next 24 hours but with a little twist we are not gonna be picking the restaurants we’re gonna be letting other influencers pick the restaurants they’re gonna send us the slums we don’t know that let’s call the first person and figure out we’re gonna go for breakfast I’ll work on them
right now oh okay we’re gonna call Santa Monica [Applause] we’re doing a letting the person in front of us decide what we eat for the next 24 hours but we’re letting you guys decide where we’re going for breakfast so we have two options for you to choose from ready you can either send us to Starbucks or Duncan looks like we got one person in front of us and there’s only one person in the car hi can I get exactly what the person in front of me got just don’t tell me what it is I want it to be a surprise
they’re close but I have to drive you are looking full of coffee I’m really going to drink I knew it I think you came right before that car they had a good order oh here it is I’ll take a sip be really hot babe you’re shaking I can see you’re shaking so hot I’m so scared thank you oh it just tastes like plain coffee yeah it is plain coffee drop a comment down below how do you take your Coffee iced pot with with milk without milk I taste blood what so I’m not trying to call her good friend Luke Francia if you
guys don’t know who he is go check him out hello a list of places to choose from and you can literally pick any place that you want okay Panera Friendly’s Sonic Chick-fil-A Wendy’s or Taco Bell I love Taco Bell it’s like my guilty pleasure Taco Bell’s my guilty pressure it’s so bad ly I know it’s so bad it’s so bad [Music] the Taco Bell is the PowerHouse of the cell can I help you hi can I get exactly what that car in front of me got positive you’re not allergic to nothing I’m
allergic to nothing thank you that was really sweet I don’t think anyone’s ever asked that before that was the first one anyone’s ever asked if you were allergic to anything I love that thanks so much thank you she did she did spill it she did spill the beans I guess this guy got two Soft Taco Supremes there he is right there sitting in this car probably eating his soft taco supreme they’re good we got two Soft Taco Supremes cheese sour cream lettuce the meat and tomato [Music] I love Taco Bell so much I bet you guys
think I’m crazy when we do these videos because 90 of the time I don’t like anything what do you rate out of ten I’m a little upset we got no drinks we got stuck with the black coffee and two soft tops go back around I was about to say there’s a Chick-fil-A across the street you want to just hit that up I am manifesting mac and cheese I’m manifesting it into the world some chicken tenders we can only manifest one thing so what are we gonna Manifesto uh mac and cheese for you odd requests
do you remember what the last person got yeah just give us exactly what it is exactly what it is it’s a complete surprise don’t tell us anything okay sure thank you so much I know it’s weird I know it’s very weird yeah that is weird anyways what’s the name hey let’s have a good day thank you thank you I hope so too wait wait oh my gosh no stop it mac and cheese mac and cheese is that it oh thank you thank you I’m gonna cry I’m actually gonna cry no I’m I’m really upset I’m really upset I’m
really annoyed can we go can we do that again yeah can I get exactly what that car got they got food though right yes okay thank you because yeah that’s what he just told me and the guy that was like are you sure that was like weirded out by us didn’t want to tell us that the guy got four shakes four shakes it looks like it’s three chocolate and one peppermint it’s a peppermint bark vanilla milkshake it is so good 10 out of 10 cookies Austin yeah I know I’m actually not upset by Lemonade there’s food in here an a count nugget
meal and then just french fries I’m very happy with the nuggets Chick-fil-A nuggets are always fire the lemonade is actually not that bad either you wanna try the lemonade is there mac and cheese in it I guess manifestation isn’t real and we did not get strips nor mac and cheese you were manifesting for strips on the side no that’s where you can get the mac and cheese I wasn’t manifesting first for mac and cheese you almost just said strips no wonder we didn’t get it I believe I really believed that manifestation Powers
nuggets today phenomenal for us today phenomenal but just because they gave us four shakes the first time around and we didn’t get a mac and cheese I’m not to give it a 7 out of ten we just got lucky and we were able to give the rest of the Milkshakes that we didn’t drink away we saw some construction workers coming out of a store that would just give it to them it’s it’s it there was it was just too much of a waste of food saving the planet okay we’re about to call the next person it’s tar yummy if you guys don’t
know her check out in the description below I’m so sorry that I’m FaceTiming you I should put you that I was and it’s okay just like you’re just like it’s because I’m like half asleep I’m gonna give you a list of like five places like fast food places Panera Friendly’s Sonic Chick-fil-A Starbucks Wendy’s Taco Bell and honeydew we got a nice big family in front of us nice minivan so hopefully we get more than just drinks and maybe they’ll actually be mac and cheese this
time oh I forgot Panera has mac and cheese if you go so much as to think about anything else you think about chicken if you if you see chicken if your brain gets clouded with any piece of chicken we won’t we won’t get the mac and cheese you know chicken mac and cheese don’t no can I get exactly what that car in front of me got just don’t tell me what it was they spent 45 dollars here oh my goodness gracious hello good how are you the bag is bigger than you smells like bread this I think is a bag of bread we got a
chicken salad sandwich that leaked on me we got broccoli cheddar soup which I actually like and then one more salad trying to make his heat healthy who do you think we are oh there’s more a flat bread I thought I smelled sauce oh my God a pepperoni pizza this actually looks fire cheese in the grease and the oils I want to know what this sandwich is Asian sesame chicken salad a broccoli cheddar soup a half a francado chicken pepperoni flatbread and a half a chicken Caesar salad this is the sandwich I don’t know it just looks like thrown
together actually good let’s try it out wasn’t awful I’d give it like a 4 out of ten would you try the broccoli cheddar soup I will take one small try just because I’m lactose intolerant my favorite thing is my favorite thing for the broccoli cheddar soup is to dip the bread in it you’re gonna be really proud of me you like it you like it I give it like a five I never in a million years we thought you would like that oh God oh God you got it you got it you got it all right let me get a fight let me get
a bite Panera flapper preacher it’s not as bad as it sounds I don’t know how I feel about this it’s not the most amazing thing in the world but it’s also not terrible it’s not Panera it’s DiGiorno I’m gonna eat this later but the chicken’s freaking me out but I have to peel the chicken off now because if I leave the chicken on and the chicken’s gonna like the chicken juices are gonna melt into the lettuce and the lettuce is gonna have chicken flavor foreign okay we hope you guys enjoyed this video
let’s try to get this to 5 000 likes drop a comment down below which food item that we got today you would want to try make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button and turn on those notification bells and we’ll see you guys next time that’s a wrap.