hey guys welcome back to the channel it’s Lexi and Austin it is 8 30 in the morning last week we were still trying to find a PCP there was like no places that had like the ultrasound technology that I could go to that wasn’t the ER Austin’s friend actually came in so clutch he worked at NYU Hospital and he calls me literally last week and he’s like listen I spoke to my boss I fit you into the schedule and we could get you in here on Monday she’s one of the top breast surgeons here in America Lily top
50 top five in New York I’m really heading there right now to get the ultrasound so thank you Richard we are so fortunate that you were able to do this for us this is like I I can’t even thank you enough before going right now how do you feel cold we have besides that I’m a little nervous but you know everything’s gonna be okay no just check S no Lexi just left me she went into the Imaging room I know everything’s gonna be okay but I can imagine the anxiety and treasure is probably under right now
I hope she’s saying okay I hope she’s doing better than me I’m in the ultrasound room she just did it I guess these are the pictures is the machine oh my God this was like I I’m I was actually terrified again this bed so she said that she it’s just gonna take like a minute she’s going to give those pictures to the doctor that she works with and she’s going to evaluate she just said that she doesn’t really know she looks amazing she said between you and I like I think you’re okay which is
great but she said like I I see why you were you were stressed and you were uncomfortable it’s been like 20 minutes since he went in I have not heard from her I have no information but I got this SnapChat selfie it’s a thumbs up so I’m hoping that’s a good sign there’s ultrasound gel in my hair so you gotta give me a step-by-step possible like what happened because like I don’t know how an ultrasound works would you like to see the result I kind of want to hear what happened first where should I read this first
foreign so it came back benign everything is okay but did they tell you exactly what it is fibrocystic breast disease so what did they tell you it’s gonna happen year on out they just said there’s nothing you could do it’s just you gotta deal with it and then it’ll eventually go away walk me through exactly what happened I undressed I think one of those like the pink gown on there’s that big machine in there that big scary machine with all the buttons I I I I I have no idea I laid on the table she pops titty
out you know how you always hear like in the movies like when the gel is put on they’re like oh cold was it cold no it was warm really it was really really warm like hot I was like oh like I usually hear like it’s really cold and she was like yeah we like to spoil our patients here I know the machine itself doesn’t hurt the way that she was moving it hurts so bad like on the lump yes so bad so she’s like it was like she had to push down and like dig into like all the places and stuff oh to get like the full
picture yeah to get like all around she was like like just like pushing and like it just hurts so bad it also scared me because she’s just like so quiet this is my first ultrasound right like I she wasn’t very communicative of what was happening the way that she was making it seem it felt like there was something wrong so for now them now like what was the actual results of it the doctor walked in and she said you are okay I there’s no cause for concern it’s just fibrocystic breast tissue that’s why I
misspoke last time I said fibroid it’s called a fibro cyst it is checked off in a statement my mammogram slash sonogram is normal slash benign did she give you any like recommendations of how there is nothing there’s nothing I can do not a single thing that I think is the one part that kind of sucks it’s just there until like my stress balances out my hormones balance out like it’s it’s just there it could get bigger it could go away I could have it for the rest of my life it’s just there that’s the one
thing that sucks but you’re okay though you’re gonna be okay and I think that’s the important thing head down to this it’s been a very very stressful last two months for us but like and we apologize to you guys also like the fact that this all happened within a week but I think at the end of the day we’re just fortunate that like we were able to get the answers so quickly the weight that has been lifted off of my shoulders like I feel like a reason why it was getting like so painful and like a lot bigger is
because I was literally stressing about it I I can’t imagine so painful I literally can’t imagine what was going through your head all this oh my God I was sitting when I was sitting and she was doing it and it just hurt so bad I was like so convinced that there was going to be something wrong with me I was like this just like I started to cry a little bit like the tears like started forming and I remember she was like are you okay and I’m like yeah I mean like also last night I saw you didn’t sleep
over I I saw like I was up until like 3 A.M she just like couldn’t she kept telling me a lot she’s like I’m okay go to bed go to bed I’m like I’m saying I’m like no like I know you I I see it in you but now you could rush to see tonight I will get you some Taco Bell right now on most occasions like Austin can tell you like I’m I’m generally a very closed off person but I love doing what we do and doing what we do comes with this kind of stuff and even though this was kind of like a really hard situation to break
the ice with I feel like so you can go big or go home kind of like a bad joke to me through this situation but if for me and how I am doing something as serious as this and being open with them about it like really made me feel so much better about opening up to them just about the little things and just being more in tune with my emotions I’m gonna say it in tune with my emotions you don’t know how happy that made me so thank you guy ah the camera’s been falling this entire time so before we go I actually I really do need to thank you
guys I couldn’t have asked for a better Community to just like help keep me insane and remind me that like I do have you guys to support me I love you guys so much I really I can’t express it I wanna I wanna grab all of you and just hey guys so it’s the next day after we finished filming yesterday we realized before I shoot an outro we kind of got back to the hotel and took a full 24-hour nap I called the celebratory nap how are you feeling today baby knowing that everything is finally okay I’m
actually I’m so happy that I’m okay but I mean so much pain [Music] you know are you okay are you okay I wish that they had just told me that it was going to be so sort of invasive you know what I mean I wish they were just like this line everything’s good that’s all that matters is that you’re okay at them today I am okay time maybe probably not it’s time to go home and get you in your own we’re gonna head back to Boston now guys thank you all so much and we’ll see you on Friday that’s a wrap.