I just found an engagement ring hey what’s up you guys it’s Lexi so instead of pulling a terrible prank in my boyfriend like I always do I’m gonna do something a little nice for a change I’m going to completely clean his entire room right now he’s out a couple Towns over Christmas shopping or something so I know we’ve got a little bit of time let’s get to it [Music] someone let me know why I found four copies of FIFA 17.
why isn’t a FIFA 2022 banana dog what the is this [Music] I just found an engagement ring I just done ladies review I just found actual teenager ring oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m gonna show my hands you guys that is an engagement ring oh
I can try it on right I don’t think I can keep cleaning his room because I just I I feel like I just I feel like I just ruined everything yesterday we were filming a tick tock and I literally asked and I was like Austin it’s been three years what are you proposing and he was like soon you know I’d rather marry you any of the week I’m just not proposing it it has been three years Austin when are you gonna propose soon I didn’t realize it was this soon can’t try it on right right I just have to see
that is an insane ring this is like I I don’t even know what to do it’s a little tight it’s tight it’s tight oh my God I can’t do this oh my God I’m panicking myself I actually cannot believe I just found that I can’t believe I just ruined that I I actually like don’t know what to do like I really don’t know what to do should I just not tell him I found it but I’m gonna feel so guilty of course the one time I don’t pull a prank and try to do a nice thing it comes back to bite me in the ass
I feel like I actually just like ruined like a really important thing did I just ruin that I can’t because it’s gonna ruin everything that he has planned it’s so funny because like people always say like I want to get married you really love somebody you’re always like I want to marry them like immediately and then like you’re presented with like the opportunity not this is an opportunity but like it’s just like a sign that like it’s coming and then like it hits you are you actually ready for
this or like I don’t know now like I know that I want to marry him like I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him you don’t really understand how big it is until like you see the ring does this mean he’s gonna propose tomorrow does it mean he’s gonna propose in like two months a year I just got an engagement ring okay are you looking for it no so I was cleaning his room for a YouTube video and I went inside of a box and I found the ring I’m gonna send you a picture right now dude
I can’t breathe do I tell him that I found this what do I do oh my God we’re sure that’s like this isn’t it this is a ring in a box like this I I’m not surprised too do I tell him that I found this I don’t know because I mean knowing him he has some like elaborate plan so do I tell him that I’d like what I I I first of all how do you feel [Music] you’d be upset that like would you be upset I think not in you just because I I don’t think I can hide anything from him I have to tell him
like I just feel it [Applause] something happened what something happened I didn’t want to I’m a little I’m freaking out a little bit something happened to your room oh what happened I found a gator ring what engagement the engagement ring in the Bell box and I’m really tweaking out because I like I was thinking like I really just don’t think that I’m like ready to get married at the moment who’s engagement ring I was cleaning out your room to surprise you to like surprise you with a really nice clean
space and I was putting your belt away and Louis Vuitton box and I found the engagement ring and I’ve been like silently freaking because I feel like I’m not ready to get married yet what’s funny what’s funny I love you hello are you okay the Ring’s not for you what the Ring’s not for anyone this is my mom’s engagement ring before she passed away did you try it on did you try it on no it’s okay to say yes yes and he didn’t think it was not yours because of the size it’s a little
tight it’s tight it’s tight it was a little tight my mom’s five foot tall she’d baby it what three it’s just not for you I I’m gonna eat your own ring when the time is right and don’t worry it’s not yet are you serious oh my God like there was a point in time I really did consider giving it to you and passing this on to you but like I just you know it’s this is my mom’s engagement ring and it’s like one of the last things I have left of her and I I I really do want to
pass it on to you Linda and if I do do something with it it’s not gonna look like this and you will never know about are you okay though do you like that I really appreciate you cleaning my room though it’s not even clean huh it’s better and what is that banana dog I think Lexi’s emotionally damaged right now guys she pranked herself I am gonna propose to Lexi eventually but it’s when the time is right if you’re not ready right now I’m not ready right now when you’re ready to get engaged and get
married I’ll start prepping oh okay guys thank you so much for watching make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and drop a comment down below what was your favorite part or more importantly how should I propose to Lexi the shakes are back I’m just curious give me your suggestions that’s a wrap [Music] thank you.