it was hard for me being that young and being in the industry and not knowing where to turn and everyone you know telling me they love me and you know just turn their back on you in a second um former talk show host Ellen degenerous and wife Porsha D rosi have fled the US and moved to the UK that’s not me and I was doing stuff that that wasn’t me and a lot of times we pretend so that we can fit in and then we end up looking like bag new footage of Ellen degener and Justin Bieber just surfaced and let’s just say it’s raising some
serious eyebrows fans are diving deep into the clips sparking wild rumors about Ellen’s past interactions with Justin when he was just a kid breaking into the industry and then later on when Justin Bieber was interviewed by Ellen degenerous without any warning she showed the photos in front of everyone didn’t tell them she was going to do that Justin Bieber’s legal team wasn’t happy about this because they were considering action on the paparazzi Ellen the generous made it seem like a joke but now some of Justin’s aess
friends and fellow celebs are stepping up to support him making it clear that they’ve got his back in this messy situation could this viral footage be the final nail in the coffin for Ellen’s shaky reputation or is it just another Hollywood Witch Hunt let’s find out so get this the feds have allegedly linked Ellen DeGeneres to Diddy’s Shady dealings and the word on the street is she might have been his go-to fixer wild right I mean Ellen and Diddy have been tight for years and everyone just figured they were like chill industry
friends nothing deeper but here’s where it gets sketchy as soon as Diddy’s legal drama blew up Ellen went into full ghost mode she was out here acting like she barely knew the guy that whole who never heard of him energy yeah it didn’t sit well with the feds so they started poking around and oh boy did they find some tee Rumor Has It Ellen allegedly helped Diddy sweep some pretty wild stuff under the rug I mean the after Pary no I know about them um I’ll listen to the music um I’ve heard that song After Party
looks like the curtain’s coming down on Ellen huh the feds are all over her now and it sounds like they’re not holding back with everyone buzzing about Diddy’s latest drama it’s no surprise Ellen’s name is getting pulled into the chaos too so let’s break down how she’s tied to Diddy because their connection runs deep Diddy’s been a regular on Ellen’s show over the years and let’s not forget he was always the one sending her those VIP invites to his exclusive events remember that one time on her show when
she straight up called him out about not getting an invite to his birthday bash did he swore up and down that he sent it but according to him she just didn’t show so tell me about your birthday party am I invited yes yes you’re definitely invited I invite you to all my parties you just haven’t seen to show up here’s where it gets real spicy word on the street is Ellen wasn’t just skipping out on Diddy’s parties she was allegedly hitting up the after hours events the kind they don’t show on her
talk show during one interview Diddy even hinted at these wild late night scenes joking about a different vibe that kicked off after the cameras stopped rolling and Ellen she laughed it off like it was nothing but you know what they say every laugh hides a little truth then came the viral moment that set the internet on fire Paparazzi caught Ellen out in public and hit her with questions about the Diddy rumors her reaction total panic she looked completely rattled like she wasn’t expecting it at all fans started buzzing
why was she so shaking up by just hearing Diddy’s name definitely makes you wonder what’s really going on the reporter wasn’t holding back either they hit her with a bombshell question asking if she was surprised by the allegations against Diddy that’s when things started looking super suspicious Ellen stumbled over her words and seemed desperate to end the conversation something was definitely off about the whole thing and if the rumors are to be believed Ellen wasn’t just a guest at Diddy’s events
she was part of the exclusive after hours crowd even in a past interview when Diddy joked about a secret party happening late at night Ellen jumped in on the joke way too smoothly think of you of of starting a party at like midnight like what time will it go till that’s a different type of party though uhhuh um no it’ll go from like 9:30 to like maybe 3:00 2 3:00 and then you know we have the top two floors of the hotel and then it will carry on there yeah yeah mhm then I mean the after part what really raised eyebrows was this video of
the paparazzi Grill thrilling Ellen about her friendship with Diddy and y’all when we say Ellen was shook we mean shook the moment they hit her with those questions she immediately panicked it was super weird like why was she so freaked out over just hearing Diddy’s name the way she reacted had people seriously wondering if there’s more to their connection than what we’ve been told because let’s be real nobody acts that rattled unless there’s something they’re trying real hard to
hide next Ellen were you surprised by the allegations about P didy did that surprise you about p he’s been on your show many times fans have been flexing their detective skills diving deep into the connection between Diddy and Ellen and trust me they’re digging up some seriously juicy details it turns out these two might have more in common than you’d think while Ellen hasn’t faced the same legal troubles as Diddy she’s definitely not without her own controversies and now she is also getting named in G Ming Justin Bieber
with Diddy everyone is aware of the alleged ordeal Usher went through and the things Diddy allegedly made him do but not enough attention is given to the challenges 15-year-old Justin Bieber reportedly faced as well in this video we’ll discuss the latest rumor suggesting that Justin has revealed how Diddy reportedly mistreated him but first let’s start from the beginning certainly one of the most evident indicators of Diddy’s perceived manipulative behavior is when a former artist who worked with him expresses
dissatisfaction this is exactly what’s happening with mace a former collaborator in an upcoming video you can witness mace visibly upset and frustrated with Diddy no exaggeration see it for yourself yo I did this talk about he W receipts let’s start with your mother your mother got the receipts everything is in your mother name several artists such as Usher and Justin Bieber have become entangled in the controversy surrounding Diddy’s actions these Revelations have surfaced amid a lawsuit filed by Cassie initiated in
2013 the lawsuit alleges that Diddy orchestrated a series of events known as freak offs resulting in substantial damages to hotels amounting to tens of thousands of dollars according to legal documents Cassie assigned to coordinate these gatherings was instructed to procure male participants using various methods including websites and escort services based on specific criteria Diddy purportedly demanded these encounters on a weekly basis referring to them as our thing and stressing the importance of discretion oh she didn’t
want it but Cassie who searched for the big black and she was searching for the big black Cassie claimed that a series of disturbing incidents known as freak offs occurred frequently in Hotel Suites at various locations including the Trump International Hotel in Columbus Circle see the London hotel in Los Angeles and various InterContinental Hotels Nationwide according to her allegations Diddy’s assistant facilitated these events by providing items such as baby oil and lubricant Shan puffy con hommes has long been associated with rumors of
Hosting all men parties there are claims that Diddy spent an extended 48 hours with Justin Bieber when the pop sensation was still a teenager given Diddy’s controversial past involving teenage boys concerns have been raised about his interactions with Justin reports suggest that Diddy showcased a Ferrari to Justin and made promises of allowing him to drive it once he turned 16 despite Justin being only 15 at that time additionally there are allegations that Diddy offered Justice a mansion supposedly available to him when he
turned 18 yeah so as soon as you turn 16 you know what I’m saying I’m going to let you rock this every time you la yeah this going to be yours so every time youan La it’s a little Dusty it’s important to note that there is currently no concrete evidence supporting these allegations but they do raise questions about Diddy’s motivations behind lavish gifts and interactions with young celebrities like Justin Bieber speculations suggest that these actions may have been named at involving Justin Bieber in
potentially age inappropriate activities this underscores the necessity of proper Parental Guidance for young celebrities particularly in potentially vulnerable situations here’s where things get really interesting rumors started swirling that Ellen had been going to Diddy’s parties but not the kind you’d see on her talk show during an interview Diddy even hinted at a whole different kind of party scene that kicked off after hours and Ellen she played it cool laughing along like it was all just a
joke but as they say there’s usually a grain of Truth in every laugh then came the viral Paparazzi footage that had everyone talking the paparazzi caught Ellen offg guard impressed her about the rumors surrounding Diddy saying she looked rattled would be an understatement she was clearly thrown off fans couldn’t help but wonder why the mere mention of Diddy’s name had her so spooked the reporter wasn’t holding back either they hit her with a bombshell question asking if she was surprised by the allegations against
Diddy that’s when things started looking super suspicious Ellen stumbled over her words and seemed desperate to end the conversation something was definitely off about the whole thing and if the rumors are to be believed Ellen wasn’t just a guest at Diddy’s events she was part of the exclusive after hours crowd even in a past interview when Diddy joked about a secret party happening late at night Ellen jumped in on the joke way too smoothly and we can’t Overlook Wendy Williams who’s had her
fair share of beef with both Diddy and Ellen Wendy and Diddy have always had some serious tension according to reports back when Wendy was working in radio Diddy allegedly went to Great Lengths to get her fired because he wasn’t thrilled with how she was spilling the tea on him and his Shady dealings Wendy wasn’t one to hold back and Diddy didn’t take kindly to her exposing his drama think of you of of starting a party at like midnight like what time will it go chill that’s a different type of party though
uhhuh um no it’ll go from like 9:30 to like maybe 3:00 2 3:00 and then you know we have the top two floors of the hotel and then it will carry on on there yeah yeah did it I mean the after party but that’s not all reports also suggested that didy was so desperate to keep his Secrets buried that he allegedly ordered a hit on Wendy I was there when he got rid of Wendy Williams did he yeah when puff made a phone call he this is his word verb beta but that’s not all either Wendy had dirt on Diddy’s down
low Antics back when it was a major Taboo in the rap game she even had a pick of Diddy in a compromising situation with another dude if that is on the radio station when I get back in New York ain’t nobody that I deal with nobody that I know going to ever do business with y’all again but aside from the allegations of Ellen’s mean-spirited Behavior there are reports linking her to some seriously Shady activities like the mysterious death of her ex-girlfriend yeah things just got insanely messy for those who might not
know Anne was an actress who dated Ellen back in the late ’90s making them one of the world’s first gay super couples at that time not many people in Hollywood were open about their actuality so Ellen and Anne were pretty groundbreaking now let’s talk about the Eerie parallels between Ellen and Diddy both figures have faced serious allegations of problematic Behavior whether it’s Ellen’s alleged mistreatment of Staff or Diddy’s rumored involvement in dark dealings their connections to various
scandals and controversies only add to the intrigue leading fans and followers to speculate about a possible web of connections that might go deeper than anyone realizes could these two have more in common than we initially thought as details emerge it seems the layers of this story keep peeling back revealing a darker narrative lurking beneath the surface they seem to have more in common than one might expect from the rumors of Ellen attending Diddy’s notorious parties to whispers about a shady industry cult that both may have been
involved in it’s a wild ride to say the least could twitch have stumbled upon something he wasn’t supposed to know about these two it’s starting to feel like a conspiracy that’s too messy to be a coincidence um this suicide note made references to challenges um from his past um and again it’s it’s vague so what’s the real story behind Ellen and Diddy it seems like we’ve only scratched the surface of this Hollywood nightmare the similarities between these two don’t stop there
especially when it comes to how both allegedly treat their employees back in 2017 Diddy found himself in hot water when his former Chef Cindy Rua accused him and retaliation Rueda spilled the tea on how she worked long hours without Fair pay but that was just the tip of the iceberg things got even more disturbing when she claimed that Diddy allegedly asked her to serve him and his buddies food right after their intimate sessions that someone and it’s a former worker a former Chef they are now claiming Diddy did the same okay now I
mentioned all of that to say there might be a money plate in it if that wasn’t enough one of Diddy’s Pals supposedly walked into the kitchen completely expecting Ru to admire his physique but here’s where things get Shady instead of addressing Rua’s legitimate concerns Diddy’s estate director allegedly tried to frame her for theft they supposedly dangled a watch in front of her claiming it was found in the trash and then threatened legal action unless she kept quiet Diddy has been carefully avoiding
tough questions and maintaining his Public Image for a long time it’s clear that a lot of drama is bubbling beneath the surface if the allegations hold any weight both Diddy and Ellen seem to have some serious issues when it comes to how they treat their employees you’ve probably heard the whispers about Ellen’s rumored harsh treatment of her staff but it’s more than just gossip there’s a long list of complaints that paint a pretty dark picture of how Ellen managed both her home and her workplace
sources say Ellen ran her household like a strict drill sergeant with no room for mistakes former housekeepers described her as a tyrant who would fire people for the smallest offenses some claim she even created a list detailing every little thing her staff did wrong from serving food in the wrong bowl to not frothing her latte perfectly my belief is that someone’s real personality comes out at home the unnamed ex-staffer reportedly said so after everything that has been said about her at work you can imagine how terrible Ellen is going to
be at home when her guard is is down it gets even Wilder Ellen reportedly set traps around her Mansion like hiding matches behind cupboard doors to test if her cleaners were paying attention if they missed the matches it could cost them their job but it wasn’t just cleaners who faced her wrath handyman and security guards who dared step into her space experienced constant criticism and condescension one former Stafford didn’t hold back calling Ellen the worst person they ever encountered and claiming she actually seemed to enjoy
firing people and if you thought the chaos was limited to her personal life think again things were just as toxic behind the scenes on The Ellen degener Show in 2020 BuzzFeed news dropped a bombshell Report with testimonies from 10 former staffers confirming what many had suspected for years the workplace was toxic employees were reportedly fired for trivial reasons like taking sick leave or attending family funerals it really seemed like an effective PR spin it was perfectly done but I think that that’s exactly what Ellen needed to
do the stories just keep getting darker allegations of racism behind the scenes of The Ellen degenerous Show have added a deeply troubling Dimension to the once beloved talk show reports claim Ellen was aware of the discriminatory Behavior but did nothing to address it former DJ Tony okung Bawa even spoke out describing a toxic environment that mirrored similar accusations from other staffers these claims starkly contrast with the be kind Mantra Ellen preached on air even more shocking was the Eerie Silence from Ellen’s celebrity friends
during the height of the Scandal while former employees came forward in droves none of her high-profile allies stepped up to defend or denounce her for someone so closely associated with kindness and compassion the revelations of toxicity and neglect behind the scenes were jarring and then there’s Diddy the music mogul who has rebranded himself as love has recently promoted a narrative of positivity even naming his baby love Sha combms but behind the polished image lies a series of disturbing allegations his
ex-girlfriend Cassie filed a lawsuit detailing shocking claims of including allegations that Diddy coerced her into drug use forced her into disturbing acts and reacted violently when she tried to leave the lawsuit painted a harrowing picture of manipulation and control leaving Cassie emotionally and physically scarred these accounts aren’t isolated Diddy’s former bodyguard has also spoken out alleging mistreatment of the mothers of his children further tarnishing his carefully crafted persona for both Ellen and Diddy the chasm
between their public images and the accusations against them raises serious questions are their personas of love and kindness Just an Illusion hiding deeply troubling realities but the real bombshell dropped in 2016 where Kathy Griffin spilled some serious tea in her Memoir while she didn’t name Ellen directly the clues were pretty obvious short blonde hair and a reputation for being well less than Pleasant it didn’t take much for folks to connect the dots the tension dates back to 2007 when Helen threw some shade at Kathy during
her monologue leaving a sour taste in Cathy’s mouth as a fellow comedian Kathy expected a little solidarity but she definitely didn’t get it from alen reflecting on her experience Cathy said I am apparently not her cup of tea but I think she is great I am not a comedy snob Griffin continued by praising the 61-year-old Ellen degenerous show host adding I’m vulgar but I think it’s great there’s clean Comedians and prop Comedians and topical Comedians and observational comedians I’m just happy
whenever a female especially a female over 50 is still in the game in another interview she said I had mentioned on your show that I wish that women would support each other more in particular super super influential women I expressed that to her and she was like I don’t have to have anybody on my show I don’t like after Kathy came forward people couldn’t stop buzzing about Ellen and what she was really like behind the scenes fans did some serious digging into her past and let’s just say the
things they uncovered made her look even worse one of the biggest Revelations what went down with Mariah Carey back in 2008 Ellen had Mariah on her show but things quickly took a turn true to form Ellen couldn’t resist diving into some juicy rumors about Mariah being pregnant but instead of having a casual friendly chat it felt more like an interrogation the tension in the air was palpable and you could tell Mariah was caught off guard by Ellen’s Relentless questioning it definitely didn’t paint Ellen in a
flattering light people are saying that uh that you’re pregnant there there’s rumors don’t discuss that um all right well you don’t have to answer that’s okay honestly you don’t have to answer me let’s just toast with champagne things took a turn for the worse when Ellen handed Mariah a glass of champagne practically forcing her to announce her pregnancy Mariah had actually wanted to keep that news private but in that moment it felt like Ellen was more interested in the scoop than respecting
her guest’s wishes I can have some champagne it’s it’s just fattening so you can have champagne that’s not champagne cuz you can’t no it is the situation became even more heartbreaking when it was revealed that Mariah’s pregnancy was highrisk and she eventually suffered a miscarriage a couple of months later this is exactly why she wanted to keep her pregnancy private in the first place Mariah was understandably upset with Ellen’s actions during that interview in a later interview she expressed her feelings
saying I was extremely uncomfortable with that moment is all I can say and I really have had a hard time grappling with the aftermath I can’t believe you did this to me Ellen this is peer pressure she then pretended to take a sip leading degenerous to exclaim you’re pregnant I wasn’t ready to tell anyone because I had had a miscarriage Carrie told vulture I don’t want to throw anyone that’s already being thrown under any proverbial bus but I didn’t enjoy that moment one person wrote what made
me hate Ellen was the Mariah Carey interview where she was forcing her to drink alcohol to admit she was pregnant and later Mariah suffered a miscarriage there’s a reason why women wait to announce a pregnancy and I felt so bad for Mariah’s another one added I always got so annoyed when people said she gave stuff away she never gave anything away all those things that were given away on her show were sponsored and she got paid to give that stuff away but aside from the allegations of Ellen’s mean-spirited
Behavior there are reports linking her to some seriously Shady activities like the mysterious death of her ex-girlfriend yeah things just got insanely messy for those who might not know an was an actress who dated Ellen back in the late ’90s making them one of the world’s first gay super couples at that time not many people in Hollywood were open about their so Ellen and an were pretty groundbreaking fast forward to a bombshell revelation in 2021 when Anne opened up on her podcast about how Ellen allegedly tried to have her
institutionalized and blacklisted in Hollywood this kind of behavior Eed what had happened to many other big names in the industry like Britney Spears and it almost happened to Kanye West who Diddy has been linked to but this situation was even shadier a year after an made those wild Revelations on her podcast she tragically passed away in a freak car accident when she wasn’t impaired raising some serious red flags it kind of reminds us of what happened to Diddy’s ex Kim Porter but then we have to bring twitch into the mix and his
tragic passing looking back at everything we know now it seems like there are a lot of lies and inconsistencies in the stories we’ve been told new evidence has surfaced and there are growing allegations that Ellen and Diddy might have had a role to play in his death because twitch knew more than he should have allegedly they wasted no time silencing him for good thing you would like to say to Twitch like what do he meant to you um as the drama unfolds the plot thickets Ellen’s silence only adds fuel to the fire and the connections to
Diddy’s arrest are becoming more suspicious by the day this story is far from over and the twists are sure to keep coming that’s it for today see you in the next video Until then goodbye.