what is going on this morning what’s going on with you I got back from court and here you are wearing a Georgia Bulldog shirt what’s the deal with that I don’t know you like the Bulldogs I don’t know who they are well they’re the football team in Georgia oh that McDaniel must have done I mean Josh must have done something like that I think it was one of your fans that sent it in one of somebody who watches you sent that shirt to you because they’re legit Georgia fans that’s what’s going on so Pop I
haven’t seen you all morning what have you been doing I’ve been sitting here you’ve been sitting right here what did you eat dad besides the bowl of cereal breakfast yeah was it delicious was it delicious yeah it was good all right that’s good I forget what I ate what I even ate yeah well what do you want to do this afternoon I’m open all right how about nothing we’ll just hang around and do nothing whatever comes along yeah that’s whatever comes up we’ll do cuz I’m exhausted pop I’m tired I was up really
early this morning I’ve already been to court and and back with two cases I I I was running around this morning if you’re tired you go to bed well it’s only like 11:00 in the morning I don’t I don’t care what time it is you’re tired get the rest that’s important that’s good advice pop maybe I’ll take a power nap a what a nap oh well it works yeah that works yeah you you need to be fully awake what’s going on I know pop are you awake am I awake are you fully awake right now yeah all right you’re up you
got energy a little bit all right we’re going to run you want to run a marathon tomorrow what you want to run a Marathon tomorrow no I don’t ever I can’t never a marathon well what if we compromise and say walk to the mailbox then say that again what if we compromise and just walk to the mailbox that sounds normal more more realistic yeah all right that’s what we’ll do we’ll walk and we’ll even go past the mailbox dad you’ve been walking pretty good on your walks lately we already had a walks this morning right
well we have not had a walk yet this morning when we get off here here we’re going to take a quick walk out and see how far you can go oh I don’t want to do that I’m not in a mood to go as far as I can well we won’t go as far as you can but we’ll just get your we’ll get your blood pumping we get your digestion going and you know get you a little bit of exercise get your muscles some workout we won’t go too far just as far as you want pop and then we’ll turn around then when you get to the mailbox
pick up on the mail we’ll go to the mailbox and pick up your mail are you you got anything good coming in the mail I have no idea I think the Publishers Clearing House is coming what’s that the Publishers Clearing House The Sweep Stakes oh where you can win a million dollars from Ed McMahon no I’m not thir about that all right you want to go buy a lottery ticket lottery who’s playing well the lottery is you play Everybody Plays you pick some numbers and somebody wins a big money like millions of dollars
would you like to win millions of dollars I’d love to all right well then we we can’t win if we don’t play what what what what game is this it’s a gambling thing it’s called the lottery the California Lottery oh oh that yeah that oh that that’s a waste of money so you don’t want to play no because I don’t think I’m going to win it’s just throwing your money away no but it’s it’s a game it’s a game it’s a Gamble and I agree with you it’s not a very
good gamble it’s not a very smart investment no no so what else pop what else I know the weather’s great you’re looking outside it’s blue sky I get that but you’re here with me Dad you know who I am you’re my one of my sons I am one of your sons I’m Dan yeah yep and you live with me right every I see you all the time pop in the middle of the night I see you in the middle of the day I see you at dinner time I see you up so late well sometimes you get up to go to the bathroom and when you get up I get up so
that’s when I see you and the funny thing is Dad you always know exactly who I am in the middle of the night when you just wake up to pee you always hey Dan I mean it’s never it’s just amazing in the middle of the night you’re sharp you’re a sharp ster well that’s what you that’s what you see that’s what I see that’s okay yeah so tell me more dad tell me a little bit about yourself what’s going to tell I don’t know you know all about me I do know all about you Pop there’s nothing I can tell you
well I what do you you I don’t know what you’re thinking right now what are you thinking right now take a cup of coffee well we got our coffee are you thinking why Wild Things Are you you know trying to figure out the meaning of life no I’m not thinking Wild Things where are we we’re in Elk Grove California Elk Grove yes that’s where we live dad you live with me here in Elk Grove yeah yeah and last night I went to a concert I saw Casey Musgraves pardon me I saw country singer last night Pop I
took Andrew we had fun friend of mine from from high school and his daughter we had a good time at the concert pop you did I did good but we got home late wa what I got home late oh you got home late and then I had to get up early this morning he be tired I am very tired pop then I tell you to go to bed I think going to bed’s not a bad idea but it’s daytime so what doesn’t matter what time it is is your tired I am tired so what should I do you better rest night nature is telling you you’re tired you’re rest
should I take a nap I would I would advise that all right pop I’ll listen to you on that one for real I’m I’m I’ll lay down a bit but first we’re going to take a little walk get you some steps is that okay with you want to take a little walk yeah we’ll take a little walk in a minute and get you some a little bit of exercise I think that’s a good idea that is a great idea are you feeling energetic I want get a jacket on before I go out dad let me tell you something it’s hot outside you don’t need a jacket
you’re going to be hot okay it’s hotter outside than it is in here okay yeah it’s not in here what else do you want to know pop you got me right here to answer your questions oh it’s good you know how old you are how old I am born 1932 I know that you were born on March 26 yeah yeah do you know how old you are though I didn’t didn’t you haven’t thought about it no you want me to tell you yeah are you sure you want to know sure it’s kind of scary 92 well 92 is 92 that’s what you are that
was a pretty easygoing reaction well that was still a number it’s just a number right yeah yeah when you’re 120 that’ll be a big deal oh but I’m not 120 not yet pop 30 what 38 more years 28 more years see 20 28 more years and you’ll be 120 and I’ll be what 120 in 28 years are you looking forward to that I don’t believe that’ll happen I pop it’s highly unlikely highly unlikely I don’t I don’t think I’m going to make it another 28 years I should I’m 56 so I should make
it to 80 I’m hoping have a nice breakfast you did have a nice breakfast I ate well enjoyed had company for my son one of my son yes you do so what more do I need I mean the the winning lottery numbers would be nice but I’d be pretty content with what you have too are you content yeah actually I’m content talking to you all right and I’m content talking to you I’m actually en enjoying this good good all right so we’ve been talking for about nine minutes you want to get up and take a little walk yeah
but we’ve been talking more than 9 Minutes well I can see the little clock up there but it says 9 minutes and 28 seconds you can see 928 yeah but we were talking a little bit before that so all right pop we’ll go take a walk all right all right got a jacket here you don’t need one pop it’s hot outside it’s warm outside all right let’s go yeah.