
hey guys welcome back channel it’s me Austin and I’m Lexi and today we’re doing something that we should have done 2 and 1/2 years ago Welcome to our humble abode so we’re going to give you guys a full house ready from the bottom all the way to the top and at the very end of this video we have a really special announcement for you guys but first welcome to Chili’s hi welcome to Chili’s this is our entryway we really don’t do much in here but there’s a bench a shoe rack and it’s actually always below 65°

in here so we usually take off our shoes and we’re upstairs but Scooby you you want to help me get the tour for those who haven’t met our beautiful cat Scooby-Doo this is one of two Scrappy Scrappy Scrappy do I know this is what everyone’s been waiting for it is the simp layer [Music] Prim a year ago this room look completely different had neon lights everywhere double the amount of art double the amount of games for me this room is my safe space there’s so many things in here that just bring me back

to my childhood and there’s things that I even have in here that were made before I even existed so if you look at the shelf right here you could literally find every single Harry Potter book but the United Kingdom printing all in first edition except for the first two because each of them are over $10,000 and we’re smart about our money here I didn’t grow you literally have a banana dog so I got this giant Nintendo switch kiosk that me and my friends like to hang out order a pizza set up some chairs and play it i’ tell you guys

where I got it but I don’t want to get soup over here I I have my entire Pokemon collection now the moment you’ve all been waiting for it every single comment ask about this the Ryan Reynolds blanket it still sits here every single day and actually when I come down here and it’s 60° in the room like it is right now I use it to get old cuddly Love Sack and you might be wondering who do I get old cuddley with Ryan Reynolds and when I’m not doing that I’m over here on my desk gaming this is my chair

the pink one no I can’t show the closet you should show the closet don’t judge me you didn’t see anything in here is my entire sneaker collection and some of my favorite shoes I’ve ever bought I don’t know if you remember this Lexi I bought these on our first ever trip together to La I do remember 2 months after we started dating Lexi killed me when I went in on my own and bought these we’re not going to say the price $800 the best part about this room is that you could literally pick up

anything and you never know what you’re going to grab like over here we have some spike Selter that that’s made with holy water if you look on the wall over here you have some art that actually Lexi made for me when we first started dating during Co my favorite one’s to Tweety okay so on the way up the stairs you know we’re big movie fans we got movie posters on the side first one is a this is a real real right yes everything on these walls are real so this is a Harry Potter the sorcerer Stone poster

we’ve got a dark knight nope it and then a really I really like this one this is my favorite this is my favorite cover it’s the cover from when they were all taking the boats the castle and the music crescendos for the first [Music] [Applause] time this is my pride and joy poster this is from 1965 I know a lot of people might not know what this movie is but this is a historical artifact my Alfred Hitchcock Psycho poster that awesome bought me it was for our oneyear anniversary this is like as old as my

parents are so the living room is probably the room that we spend the most time in I want to start by putting you on our couch they’re not all out but this couch actually came with 18 pillows Austin and I fall asleep on this couch probably four out of the seven days of the week I’m not even kidding you like can you get a closeup get the cushion it’s not doing it justice you literally melt into this couch every single time I love the vibe in this room you can’t really tell cuz it’s light out but like

I have string lights in here these candles by the TV are on just gives it a really good like be our staple piece in this room is our tapestry from alwick Castle this tapestry that we have up here is literally from England we bought it when we went to Scotland a couple months ago we went to a Harry Potter filming location like a big castle and they were selling tapestries we picked a random tapestry and it ended up being a tapestry that was featured in the actual movie like not in the movie but like a repca so that’s in the Gryffindor common
(04:56) room if it if you catch it here we have our play buttons this is this is strategically placed right across from the stairs so this is the first thing people see when they come into our living room coincidentally we actually got these like 2 months apart from each other so we couldn’t even celebrate the 100,000 because we literally got this like what 30 days after this is Austin’s pride and joy in this room I think do you want to explain this one can I yes every year YouTube gives out gifts to their top creators and last year they

sent their top creators a bear brick a bear brick is one of those figurines that you could buy they’re really expensive but what’s special about this one is I’ll pull it out I’ll actually touch it for once it’s a full speaker 360 speaker out of both the ears and the back and if you look on the back of it it also says our YouTube channel it comes with this dope display case that gives all our analytics for 2023 below the play buttons we got Chef shrimpies cuz you know it can’t be just a living

room for us it has to be a living room for the cats cuz if you look across from it now this is Scrappy’s pride in enjoy Lexi comes down here every single day reorganizes this entire thing and then it all disappears by 3:00 p.m. Scrappy is in love with these little peep things it is the only toy he will play fetch with in this house we actually bought a mega peep we were really hoping we would scare scrap you with this not in a mean way he has no care for it so we just have a megae okay so this is our kitchen

we used the dining room table I I wouldn’t say that we use the kitchen maybe the with the fridge and the microwave we honestly don’t really cook that often but that’s because our stove is messed up and it was like placed in wrong so it’s kind of on a slant but also I’m afraid of the gas stove and the fire I always like to have baked goods in the house whenever like friends come over or family comes over so if they ever want like a sweet treat I usually have like I keep brownies or like cookies I have my own little coffee

station although Austin does go get me coffee in the morning I do sometimes make it myself I want to show you my pasta candle my fucili it’s my pasta candle pasta it’s fili for our precious Scooby and Scrappy we have our Scooby Snacks we keep treats in them I can’t say the treat out loud because if I say the word they will know take us upstairs let’s go on but we do have this Tik Tok pill that we did steal from VidCon last year shh don’t tell Tik Tok oh yeah and they can’t see that yet

they can’t see that yet this is our laundry station this is our laundry station we originally had another door here but it actually fell off then smashed into this door which caused it to smash into a bookcase which caused a big hole on the other side but now do you want to show them our sleeping quarters yeah are we in the Navy or something this is my room this is where the magic happens I’m sorry what it’s true girl I like just a lot of the very girly feminine things so I have a lot of pink in here I got my favorite perfumes here

I got a couple other perfumes over there but these are like my top my two absolute favorite a bought this for me I went in to go buy Lexi perfume so I asked the sales associ I’m like hey can you you know pick me out a nice perfume she picks out this one smells fantastic she Rings it up $500 had a heart attack and I was so deep I couldn’t say no this one’s like another version of this one these are my two favorite I like this one a little bit more this one smells kind of Flowery and girly this one’s called gentle

fluidity by Mason Francis Paris and we got one we did get this one in Paris I love Charlotte Tilbury anything this is like my favorite setting spray this is the best setting spray to get on the market I have so much stuff that I haven’t even opened yet just sitting here like I have so much Fenty product just in boxes if you can see under here I have like seven different Laura Mercier primers that I’m just keeping on back stock it’s my eyelash drawer my palette drawer I think you have more makeup than I do Pokemon cards

this is 4 years old now awesome we first started didn’t used to call me his Pegasus I bought you that while we were actually still friends in Target and I gifted it to you I think when we got back to school shortly after then if you come into the bathroom I wanted a nautical theme okay so I went it’s a little nautical it’s like a like a mixture you said nautical and it’s SpongeBob nautical and SpongeBob in the same sentence nautical nonsense and then come over here show them what’s right here bold and Brash every morning while

I get ready I look at these photos of me and Austin from before we were dating we were just friends in these I’m doing something a little inappropriate in the second one but it’s okay like what are those photos my closet is too small for the amount of clothes that I own it’s it’s a nightmare in there but you can go you can go show them I like to keep everything color coordinated and by season so it’s organized like there are sweaters on one side summer clothes on the other side now this is the moment you’ve all been

waiting for that you guys have no idea about this is not our special announcement by the way that’s coming up but this is the final room in the house the room that Lexi’s been waiting a year and a half to share with you guys we’re not going to go into too much detail about it so if you want to see a full room tour of this let us know this took us 9 months to complete 9 months to finish this room okay and our maintenance guys have come by and said to us multiple times that this room is the coolest room they’ve ever seen in

any housing community they’ve ever worked on we’re going to show you what the room looks like in the daytime but we’re also going to switch to what it looks like in the night time cuz it’s a lot lot better in the night time this is our Harry Potter [Music] room I don’t even know where to begin we really try to make it look like it in the World of Harry Potter you could literally look anywhere and find anything from any movie If I really just stick my hand in down here and grab any it’s the cup that Harry uses to feed

Dumbledore the liquid during Deathly Hollows Part One right no Half Blood prints half blood prints this took us 9 months hundreds of hours of work thousands of dollars 90% of the stuff in here was handcrafted by Lexi I will I I’m taking credit for it no taking it back from me I did all the wallpaper tell that there seem I helped yeah yeah you help me you help me align it this was completely Lexi’s idea I had to climb up for this you could look up here and find all these little knickknacks potions items you know plants that you

might find in any of the Harry Potter movies we would literally play Hogwarts Legacy in here on that TV behind you this is a working fireplace by the way this fireplace works so one of my favorite things in this room replica of the Firebolts from the prisoner of aaban you could take it off the wall I’m not going to take it off the wall cuz it takes us forever to get back on the wall this was probably our most expensive item I think I basically crafted everything here all the like every potion you see I basically did maybe

there’s like one or two that I didn’t do like Ryan Reynolds what oh I he ruined it get him out of here the wall look at the the the photo wall we found frames from like Goodwill and thrift stores Tom’s ring got the diary we got the chocolate frog there’s aragog what’s up aragog great is that you this is actually the photo of us up here we’re at Hogwarts real photo not Photoshop this is an AI one of Snape literally AI Harry Potter glasses slug horns hourglass which was also a really cool one from the Half

Blood Prince this is one of my favorite items actually in this room it’s a basilisk book end and I remember when we were taking this back from Universal Studios we got stopped at TSA cuz they were literally like what the is this all the posters on the wall except for the first one are all authentic Harry Potter posters from movie theaters back in the early 2000s the first ones fake we found out recently we found out recently it was a fake so down a couple hundred bucks we’ve got a lot of cool little pillows this is my favorite

pillow if you open it there’s a chocolate frog in it that’s removable the butterbeer candle the butterbeer candle which I got actually smells like butter beer yes I got it from Etsy Keys the keys with the ring or the keys with the I’m getting so excited do you see what’s happening to me so if you guys want to see a full video of this room I would love to show you and go more into depth with everything so let me know and I will do it on the second Channel I also do want to show you what it looks

like at night time cuz it’s so much cooler at night time you can’t really see it now but there’s candles all over the place that turn on with a remote and the fireplace looks really really cool at night time so when it’s night we’ll show you what it looks like it’s so cool in here [Music] this is our RNR room our rest and relaxation room like we come here to unwind to just chill this is where we are with most of our friends this is our favorite room in the house and that’s what’s about to make our special

announcement very very very hard so let’s go downstairs and tell you our special announcement you ready to tell them so before we go we got a big announcement for you guys I mean it’s not like huge but it’s it’s big to us it’s big to us say it like one two three 3 2 1 we’re moving I’m so glad we said the same thing we did not rehearse that this July we are moving to Charlotte North Carolina you guys might remember I posted a video back in November saying that we’re moving to La we’re looking at

apartments but you know plans changed things happen La was like 7 Grand a month no and we also we met in North Carolina like we went to school in North Carolina where that’s where our Tik Tok JY began as well so we just signed a lease maybe a week ago our moveing date is at the end of July if you want to follow along for the move make sure to add us on Snapchat we are selling a lot of our stuff if you guys are interested in buying any of our crap there will be a link in the description below to my mcari account where there’s a bunch of

video games Pokemon cards listed currently and if you guys are interested Lexi will start uploading your clothing and another thing this is not a sponsored ad for mcari I will say that again not a sponsor ad if you use the link I will be putting in the description below you do get $10 off your first purchase we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button and turn on those notification bells and we’ll be back next week that’s a wrap.


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