shut up [Music] i’m actually gonna cry you you went really really too far [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel it’s me austin and as you read from the titleist video it is lexi’s birthday i have the ultimate birthday surprise for lexi as you guys remember from my birthday lexi went all out she got me a sick looney tune cell a louis vuitton duffel and a bunch of other things so i reached out to my friends at the luxury leather guys and said yo what’s up guys i need your help to give lexi the
ultimate birthday surprise like austin we got you but first let me tell you about luxury leather guys the luxury leather guys sell new and pre-owned luxury goods from some of today’s hottest friends gucci louis vuitton chanel mcm and so much more all at unbeatable prices you guys won’t find anywhere else they strive to destroy the notion if it’s too good to be true it usually is the best part about it is that they are backed by entropy and a verified business meaning that everything you purchase from the luxury
leather guys is guaranteed to be authentic i’ll make sure to leave their socials in the description below along with a link to their website and plus if you use code austin5 at checkout you’ll receive five percent off your purchase but first let me show you guys everything that the luxury leather guys send us for lexi’s birthday first up we got a brand new louboutin key pouch it’s currently wrapped up so you guys will see this later then we got a vintage 2003 takashi amerikami louboutin collab
woman’s wallet and last but not least probably my favorite item out of the three that they sent us is this gorgeous mcm rainbow this gorgeous mcm crossbody bag so we’re going to head upstairs right now get everything set up on the table and we’ll get a reaction so we got everything on the table for lexi we got the mcn bag we got some pokemon cards because she loves opening those some gorgeous flowers the louis vuitton bags and a cake with a confetti bomb on top and honestly i’m a little worried about the confetti bomb
and plus guys don’t forget we got the extra special surprise for like at the end that you guys don’t even know about yet okay lexi’s about to come down we got all these kettles fast okay i just burnt my call lighting those last two candles but we’re gonna go get lexi now lexi there’s the birthday girl come on come on lexi no austin austin is that an mcm before you open your gifts you have to blow out the candles but we have to light the last candle stand in front of the not too close though that’s too
close that’s too close happy birthday lexi happy birthday to you oh happy birthday to you okay i was right i did get everywhere i eat this yeah i don’t know you can eat it make a wish okay i have to think of a wish first but what do you wish for when you already have everything you want wow so cheesy of you it’s nice over here so cute but are you ready to open your gifts though no we’re all what i kind of was like okay he’s definitely gonna get me something from louie because that’s just like our
there’s two things in here do you like it sweetheart this is like vintage louis vuitton exactly 2003 [Music] takashi maricotti i told you about this style of wallet like when we first started dating did you did you not get it because of what i told you i forgot where did you get this where did you get this from our friend a luxury leather guys everything that you got designer today they held me up for you shut the up excuse me i love this i would have been happy with just this austin the flowers are literally so gorgeous
aren’t they beautiful oh my gosh what are these i have one more surprise but you find out after you open everything else i love these baby thank you so much how about you open everything else and then you give me a hug i’m scared but it only gets better i know but i’m so scared i think this is really your first mcm item shut up this literally goes with my fit right now [Music] okay okay okay flip it show them the back oh my god i love the color how it like feels like that we need a fit check how does it look does it look good with
this fit though honestly you have to open the last one this was just so unnecessary one more baby i’m like i just don’t know how to react when people give me gifts and or compliments like when people give me really nice gifts or compliments i’m just like thank you this either has to be some type of jewelry item it could be a key pouch it could be oh well i know you wouldn’t get me a watch what if i just put a pokemon card in there i would love that you already got me far too much than you needed to
do you want to show it to the camera isn’t that gorgeous it smells new it smells so good i’m actually crying you you went really really too far i don’t think i went fine i oh you did well it’s not over no i can’t no more please no more please just i love you baby you haven’t even opened the pokemon cards yet do you want to know your last surprise no i’m off camera for a second thank you this was a lot it was really way too much but i’m so appreciative this was really great i love you i love everything i don’t
deserve you you my skin is so dry have you been getting my dry skin on camera no baby but but there’s one last thing i got to tell you about stop it so we have not gone out to maria for your birthday and you are allowed to pick anywhere you want to go but there’s one exception it has to be in cape cod because we’re going for a weekend away for your birthday are you happy i’m trying to compose myself from crying baby you deserve all this sweetheart you’ve done so much for me you’ve done so much for your channel are you happy
oh needed that’s bold okay guys thank you so much for watching happy birthday lexi i hope you loved all your gifts and now we have to go to the cape to celebrate and go out to dinner and everything wherever you want okay guys thank you so much for watching make sure to drop a comment down below what was your favorite gift that we got lexi so make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and drop a comment down below i think hearing everything that you guys had to say was
probably one of the best birthday gifts i could have asked for oh so cute so cheesy lexi come on but it’s true i promise you pinky swear guys piggy swear okay we’ll see you guys next week that’s a wrap okay next pack i’m feeling it i’m feeling lucky i’m feeling lucky you guys you guys you guys dragonite dragon slack king nice job lexi she literally looks like my one singular brain cell.