
hey guys welcome back to channel today we’re here with the wonderful Montana and Ryan [Music] uh restaurants in La and ordering exactly what the person in front of us ordered we have no idea what we’re gonna get but we’re just gonna wing it and we’re the best people to do it we get really lucky oh you do yeah let’s head to the first restaurant four of us so yeah one bite you guys should like do like a lady in the if there’s a fun thing like you buy from Once okay our first option be Chick-fil-A there’s

only one person in front of us oh so like oh but it depends on what Lane we go down oh that’s true that’s true that jeep has a few people the jeep has a family the jeep has a family damn he’s gonna have to press the same as that thing no he can just pull up the previous order yeah but they can’t hear they can’t yeah Chick-fil-A can’t yo remember that order everything they ordered put it back put it back yeah just don’t tell us just don’t tell us what it is all right I hope it’s a lot

yeah it was like an eight count all right and it’s four meals you guys yeah and then we were lucky we were lucky with this 43 at Chick-fil-A damn appreciate it bro okay so he already gave us a hint with the eight count like what if they have the salad oh my God three unsweetened teas if you drink unsweetened tea you’re literally a sociopath are you guys ready for the food are you gonna pass me a salad I am gonna pass you a salad but not just one two salads no way this car is gonna be filled with food like

just and we got a four piece nugget kids meal no way what else in there oh there’s actually toys oh wait let’s see what it is is it a crime it is I think it’s a crayon it’s a coloring book what do you think crayon crayon crayon crayon crayon crayon crayon Chick-fil-A needs to step up there double size no come on there’s two eight count nuggets and a 12 piece nugget did they give sauce they ordered enough for us oh I got you more oh man another yeah I love myself 28 nuggets is that 28 28. we’re

not even gonna have to go to any others they just made a night we’re gonna get full that was fun what would you guys rate that out of ten perfect it was that it fed four people four meals that’s a ten pulling up to Jack In The Box there’s literally one person in line oh that car that had just pulled off the one that’s pulling off right now could I get exactly what they got without knowing what they got that’s it come on we’ll get this one no it’s fine yeah yeah come on come on hey

you got the last one but I’m getting everyone it’s our video video I mean I mean it’s not you I mean yeah six dollars it’s not like it’s a drink it’s a large drink ain’t no way so iced tea and then also one egg roll I’m gonna say man play me an egg roll they have egg rolls here Jack in the Box I thought they were known for like Burgers and Fries no I thought they were known for tacos if you remember Jack in the Box from like years and years ago comment down below if you remember it

for tacos she actually might be right Tacos on the cup is a bunch of tacos no way wow what’s the drink iced tea what is it sweetness nope okay all right but pretty excited man is it one egg roll it’s so you want a girl [Applause] bag pancake syrup wait salsa and pancake syrup salsa hand Oh I thought those were like French toast sticks for a second but it’s literally roll an egg roll a single egg roll guys oh oh hell I think that’s you how do you know there’s nothing into this here oh there might be cheese in it

somebody else has to try it first Ryan wait wait okay okay wait maybe they held into something though an egg roll with pancake cereal but you also put the sauce on it oh no all right I’m just gonna try with the syrup it’s an egg roll yeah I thought what flavors are they getting in your mouth you have to describe it for us walk us through what you’re experiencing I took another bite oh my God that was a big dunk of syrup did you want to put the sauce on it too all right yeah screw it that’s so gross

oh I do it exactly what they did going on the egg roll they get a good dip in there oh that’s good that’s good that’s so bad he just said um he did it again no that ain’t bad yo that’s not bad what are you rated out of 10. all right I’m gonna give her like a 7.8 yo you got it there’s no cheese eat it from the other side try it Debbie what you doing you gotta dip it oh wait there’s a keratin here I can have it I’m allergic to carrots oh no way oh that’s good [Music] once you get through that temperature it

ain’t bad [Applause] it’s kind of right hey right it ain’t that bad what do you give out of 10. I would even like a eight I’m a dead-ass game like an eight I was not expecting that at all whatever they on they on something good now we’re actually playing to a restaurant that we can get food at there’s literally one guy in that car I don’t want to put together for you the dude who had just pulled out could I get exactly what he got without knowing what he got the guy that had just pulled out could I get the exact

same order like the one that had just ordered okay whatever the dude had just ordered that just left like the last order can I just get that order but I don’t want to know what it is though I just want to know the price the prank just the price you just charge it why you’re surprising me yeah thank you thank you [Laughter] could we get the what they ordered you want it yeah what we like what we ordered she thought she thought I was 37.

oh that’s good oh was it no um she blamed me that that was it that’s the order everybody please yo I’m so confused I think she’s playing back on us is it good Coke it’s a good Coke it’s a great dad out of ten what is this some coke is better than others oh that’s the best test I’m literally done it’s a 10 out of 10 code thank you thank you have a great day have a good night so what do we got guys let’s all look at once oh it’s a surprise everyone take some fries fire oh my God

you just drop a fry in my car no did you just drop a fry in my car no get out this feels massive that looks huge is there heft to it oh there’s hats there’s half so this is called the Superstar Burger this is what it looks like I’m ready for this two patties I know you don’t like lettuce so but it actually wasn’t that bad this is like my first burger with anything else on it it tastes like McDonald’s to me it’s not good no it’s fire what’s already what’s y’all ready like a six and a half six

that was literally supposed to say six oh my God that’s the mega bite of fries a little messy it’s good though it’s kind of dry the fries saved the meal I’m gonna give it a the whole meal I’m gonna give it like a four and a half oh there’s one out right there yeah we’re going in and out always there oh yeah this oh my God I missed the car oh my gosh oh but he’s gonna go back to that car no it’s you you have to say this car I know but you might not remember that what’s

going on uh do you remember what they got don’t tell us if you do did they order like a good bit of stuff no no like two burgers since they got two meals could you just put two random meals on there first like two are your favorite don’t even tell us what it is don’t tell us make it crazy look at how many fills he has to take no way this is what I have to take anytime I eat cheese strawberry these are shakes okay oh my gosh thank you this is a strawberry vanilla milkshake I don’t think I’ve had a shake from in and

out oh why is it so foamy it reminds me of a Burger King milkshake what is foamy what oh my God okay so what’s on the animal fries oh you got the in and out Special Sauce okay you got ketchup mustard bacon onions and cheese this you just drop a fry in my car did you just grab a fry in my car did it get on you why you gotta do it like that sweet she like purposely [Applause] oh my God it went down here I think it went between the seat it’s so good oh okay I’m gonna put a counter how many times Ryan goes

I actually really what was that face you didn’t like it oh I don’t like that I like ketchup I actually didn’t like that at all there’s so much taste you like it uh-uh they don’t like it out of everything we’ve tried today that was the worst thing the burgers these things are massive here’s the burgers that’s one Burger could you imagine that’s one burger oh my God I wonder if they made it animal style also the burgers animal style it is oh my God I’m not gonna like this at all

yeah whoa lettuce two patties bacon cheese pickles tomatoes onions tomatoes and lettuce [Music] awesome I’m so picky I’m gonna come I don’t like everything else to get in the driver’s seat not get in the drive with you we gotta get out the car to take this bike I had to get out of the car oh oh no you hold my hair back fire dude okay that’s I’ve never had it like that so what would you guys rate that one I would say that was the best thing that we’ve had all night fries no Burger yeah milkshake nine out of ten

yeah I’m giving it 10 out of ten yeah we’re back at McDonald’s oh no luck because you can see the order on this side no what was it this but I saw the price you’re backing out okay now we don’t even know so it can’t get any worse right wrong can I get exactly what the car in front of me ordered all right thank you nobody look at the screen oh I want that cheese danish I saw the order by accident and she was staring at the screen by accident there is a pastry in there oh I want that cheese Danish the main

course is like I’m terrified of this I don’t think you’ve ever actually had this food item ever before it’s a Big Mac it’s gonna be a fish fillet no we’re getting the worst item on the menu you guys it’s not a fish fillet the barbecue pork a McRib you’re the pork McRib it’s coming back on Monday I have no idea what I ordered I don’t want to know I don’t even know thank you bro Ryan appreciate you so much oh my gosh you’re gonna laugh your ass I just want to drink it

You’re Gonna Hate It wait don’t even say anything oh you were kidding me it’s an unsweetened iced tea no it’s actually a liquid no it’s not it told you guys no somebody has to eat it show it show how Montana just opened the window so unappetizing don’t do it I’m short of breath often you have to I think you’re gonna be perfectly fine about probably having not wanting McDonald’s ever again bread what are you doing no I ate the meat why would you just eat the meat that’s the

worst decision right okay I’m gonna actually throw up wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we gotta split this cookie four ways I’m actually gonna throw up don’t shine a light on it because then I can see what I’m eating all right so have a little bit of the taste of my swallow swallow swallow why is it so chewy oh yeah I know that was so disgusting why would you say that at least we’re ending on a good night and we split our cookie forward yeah why is the cookie bad oh my God I think

we’re done you guys thank you so much for watching this video make sure to drop a comment down below is your favorite part also make sure to go show some love to Brianna Montana’s Channel we will link it in the description below hit the Subscribe button oh yeah comment down below what your favorite fast food places would you order any of this stuff oh that too or or they could come as some like crazy Specialties y’all go try make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and we’ll see you guys next time that’s a wrap thank you.


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