
stop for a second what’s wrong with you there’s one more pop hey guys welcome back channel it’s me Austin as you can tell from the title of this video I’m getting the ultimate revenge on Lexi I went out this morning and bought a pack of Marlboro cigarettes and we’re gonna be going upstairs setting up and hidden camera and smoking one of these in front of Lexi but wait we don’t encourage smoking here it is very unhealthy and it can kill you so please do not try this at home we are going to be using some fake cigarettes

for this video today we’re gonna be taking this pack of Marlboro cigarettes opening it up replacing all with the fake cigarettes and then getting Lexi’s reaction upstairs as I was saying before we are not going to be using these cigarettes at all they’re all going straight into the trash can this is a marble cigarette this is a fake cigarette so Lexi is not gonna have any idea which is real which is fake so we’re gonna take a few out and make it seem like I’ve already been smoking some of these one hour later

so now I’m voltage but like she’s already down here doing work and everything so I just sat down and started doing my own thing and I found literally 30 seconds where she went upstairs to the bathroom so Cameron told place I’m gonna head on the couch I’m gonna kill my extraction because I was not expecting to go down this way oh also I’m not sure if you saw but I changed two thumbnails or pictures but can you you know yeah um the sneaker one your entire opener sold it was 30 000 30k secret collection oh it actually

beat the one that was right before [Music] we just growing constantly well now what are you doing oh wait I had to open a window first um sorry I don’t want the smoke to like you know smoke up the tire room and smell really bad is that actually a cigarette yeah why are you actually kidding I thought honestly is there it’s a cigarette there’s tobacco nicotine yeah wait why are you smoking a cigarette why are you smoking cigarette in the house okay after seeing your coffee what wait is this actually okay so do you have the YouTube video

idea you’re actually joking I just lit that stop now the house smells tires are always my fingers this literally smells are you actually kidding me right now awesome seriously actually stop for a second what’s wrong with you there’s like 20 bucks is this a joke no is this a joke no and I have it back what you’re not actually open the door open a window [Music] why you can’t handle you’re stressing me out now and I have to have a cigarette hold on the fact that you yelled at me for thinking the fact that you yelled at me

for vaping and made me quit vaping three years ago when you were in college this is natural natural Austin please okay your Vape is made in a factory and has all these chemicals that we don’t know about in it these are a natural Austin grown from the ground leaves because this is one of my biggest pet peeves it now smells in the house you’ve never done this before you have never done this before I have never seen you with a cigarette I’m just gonna want more I have in a factory this was grown from the

ground awesome God gave us this God planted the tobacco seed for the leaf to grow and for us to consume it this has to be a joke just like God intended this has to be a joke this is a miracle you’re the number one thing America thrives on Tobacco so you know what I’m doing I’m supporting miracle I do not believe cigarettes have you been hiding it I I literally just told you your car does not smell the windows are open your clothes do not smell I changed them did you know that one cigarette takes away

20 minutes of your life one cigarette 20 minutes if you smoke a pack of okay that’s sort of like a day of your   life smoke Austin I can’t tell this was actually serious or not but please don’t that’s not funny I’m sorry the entire house smells I’m sorry I’ll stop just one more pack I’m sorry foreign   come smell my hair come see my hair come smell my hair what’s it smell like to you what’s it smell like to you shampoo what’s it smell like to you shampoo and cigarette come on sit can we

talk this out let’s stop they stop let’s see are you actually smoking cigarettes yes how long have you been smoking well it releases before we were dating since before we’re dating I don’t believe you I do not baby I’m sorry but you know that’s my that’s one of the biggest things that I care about I I don’t want you to smoke because I don’t want you to die just like I didn’t want you to have a nurse Vape but I actually stopped but I spoke natural you want you watched me throw my Jewel down the

toilet and you watched me inhale natural god-given Goods foreign Lexi please I’ll throw them away and you’ll never smoke again no yes yes I’ll Never Smoke again it’s a joke it’s a show it’s fake it’s fake it’s fake I don’t believe you no stop oh no like it’s actually fake it’s actually fake Lexi it’s fake come on stop please please let me in

no Lexi you did prank I’m serious they’re all fake there’s no nicotine it’s literally a herbal cigarette I have the box  here this is it please it why are they closed because I bought two packs I replaced the fake the real one why do they smell because it’s real cigarette paper four people were trying to quit cigarettes you could open that pack and compared to these look they don’t even say marble on them that was really bad I’m really sorry please please baby Austin please don’t touch me it’s

not funny anymore okay take this can you just get out you just get out can you take the camera too please I’m just joking thank you come on Lexi this was really funny okay I get this was bad too though I just get worried like I how old do you know me I know I just I don’t we get sick or hurt like you really scared the   out of me especially for for three years you’ve been doing it and hiding it oh what you said you were doing it since before we started dating Sarah was part of the prank I know but I’m saying that I was

scared because I thought you were doing it for that long honestly you kind of should I thought I was getting revenge today on Lexi and her only defense prank it’s okay you’re not actually I’m just kidding I don’t feel bad at all I got your back I gotcha how does it feel how does it feel to lose team Austin everyone team Austin  I don’t feel bad at all that was part of the prank deny stop stop stop stop stop stop don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry please please please gotcha

double whammy my eyes teared on command smells literally so bad 100 nicotine free it’s all like grass basil whatever it is a real cigarette that’s the paper I didn’t know that that was the paper that I made it yeah I learned that two today when I lit it okay guys I got Lexie really good on that one I think I really outdid myself and I think I took it a little too far okay guys make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on the notification Bells drop a comment down below what was your favorite part and

what do you think I should do to Lexi next I just don’t want anything to happen to you it’s my biggest fear I mean nothing’s gonna happen I get so scared that anything’s gonna happen to him like when he like takes long to smell like cigarette get out of here it’s okay guys that’s a wrap and we’ll see you guys next week .


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