
Louis you think that I am the same as her have you seen her I haven’t said other jokes you need to be a good boyfriend hot Luis it’s simple observations [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel today we’re doing a couples challenge of who knows who better with Adrian Lewis the guys and the girls each came up with 10 questions to ask each other who knows who better whether or not me and let you know each other better or Andrea and Lewis know each other better we actually just did this game literally at Playlist

Live what four days ago yeah they actually beat us by one point one the first question if we could live in another continent what continent would we choose to live easy that’s an easy one are you getting specific Italy [Music] who was our favorite favorite I don’t even know their names I think Harry is everyone’s favorite what are their names Malik and zogi oh there was one called Louie no Louis was no one’s favorite you were going to get five seconds you look one two done okay I’m gonna risk it one two three I wrote Liam I

wrote let’s turn that around Zane what is the last step in our makeup routine three two one baby wow look at this cake look at this King I wrote lashes [Music] sorry she’s setting spray come on that’s obvious if we could only wear shorts skirts jeans or dresses for the rest of our lives which would we choose oh my God I feel like jeans is the safest option jeans makes the most sense I feel like I’m gonna get this wrong again but I’m also thinking about liking any kind of weather condition I said jeans

I said dresses oh come on what was it Comfort clothes is jeans like that’s just like what’s most comfortable to wear any day ready for this one guys yeah it’s our bra size [Music] I know those type no other 30 40. I am so impressed I have I have two I have to choose one yeah choose one okay I’m gonna go with 34 D2 because that’s why my first option was you think that I am the same as her have you seen her I haven’t set up a junkies if I definitely have would we rather be admired respected or feared oh this is a

hairy freaking power question love respected admired or feared yes it’s definitely not fear because you’re a Ravenclaw she would love to be admired that was my second option but you don’t even know yourself is Hufflepuff energy your house says no your house says a lot about who you are I know Lexi loves sharp beef so I know she would want to be feared oh yes yes she got her wrong the minute she said Harry Potter says I said Slytherin and I think about it all right didn’t I yeah I threw one in there I would so much

rather be respected which one of us between me and you Austin and then between you oh okay okay let’s survive the Hunger Games I’ll go first all right I said Lexi he has those survival skills but more importantly she’s not a picky eater I said and I’m gonna explain myself because she might not agree me two seconds out in the Heat and she’s done as soon as it rains you quit said who as soon as that hairstyles yeah yeah moving on how many people have we dated okay ready including me though right

yeah yeah too serious tree overall back some facts one summer at the school that I went to the second one was at that school too he had the big fat nose Timberlands and then and then the last two I just said four I just passed for sure it’s Sprite oh no Lewis you’re at three points and he’s at five I came back from Playlist Live baby we have two questions left do we prefer dominance or submissiveness in life dominance yes easy peasy Andre have you met her I also wrote dominant nice job let’s go nice

job do we prefer our dominance or submissiveness this is just fox mix there’s only that’s the only answer a mixture I said submissive what about the what I’m joking we both said both yeah we both said mix which one of us is more likely to apologize first one two three Andrea me you see he doesn’t feel bad he’s a Sim King and this guy doesn’t care and he’s like I don’t care I don’t feel bad rude I apologize because I’m I fear for my life so after that round Andrew and Lewis

have seven points oh we have eight points what is our favorite childhood cartoon character oh my God I’m nervous I’m nervous give your answers Naruto Tweety Lexi got it right oh of course who is our favorite Marvel character I said Thor that’s right yeah Widow yes let’s personal question you gotta really know us for this what is our mother’s maiden name oh my God how much had a heart attack it is not Joy it is Hellman Hellman’s mayonnaise oh my God I forgot okay wait it’s um you always talk about how you want to

fly you’re like wouldn’t it be so amazing to fly teleportation teleport yourself I didn’t telekinesis did you guys teleportation if we had a Hollywood biopic made about us who is Ryan Reynolds what what [Music] I’m so disappointed but Lexie got it right oh yeah oh yes Leonardo DiCaprio when he was young yes even though she wrote Ryan Reynolds I think the fact that she immediately was like yeah I was honestly a little impressive I think that we should give you the point oh my God the next question if we were rappers

what would our rapper names be Bluetooth Bluetooth I am mindful I said sinking or Lil Sim it was little sick oh my God right behind that I used to do raps on YouTube do not let go look up Bluetooth so immediately after this video search up Bluetooth on YouTube flip-flops Bluetooth in an apocalyptic movie which one of these movies will do surviving and when we say movie we mean the actual Universe Bird Box quiet place I Am Legend Hunger Games for Maze Runner which one would we choose to survive oh you would choose

like we would choose and we believe that we would survive in the best reveal both your answers no listen to this in the hungry if you get into a good District it’s a one in ten thousand chance oh once a year and the meat is humans as opposed to aliens The Hunger Games could have been easy mistaken for actually the literal Hunger Games we said the universe oh so between the girls the girls tied against each other yeah but the guys wow thank you guys so much for watching make sure to check out Adrian Louise leave

their YouTube channel in the description below make sure to drop a comment down below what was your favorite part of the video what was your favorite question hit that subscribe button hit that like button turn on those notification Bells that’s a wrap you guys thank you.


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