Eye Tracking Challenge With My Boyfriend *EXPOSED*


I’m leaving watch what you’ve done look at look at look at it what was that hey guys what’s up it’s Lexi so a few days ago I installed an eye tracker into Austin’s computer I told him I’m gonna be quizzing him today on four different clips from movies and TV shows actually checking is to see how loyal he is when he watches those clips so it’s gonna be two monitors on my side I can see the eye tracker on his side he can’t he can only see the clips so I’ll be able to see in real time where his eyes are

going but he has no idea now I’m gonna say this now and I’m a little bit more level-headed because I imagine after this I’m going to be a little aggravated with the findings but I have to make it clear for me personally I’m totally okay if he looks like he’s a human being I’m looking sometimes he’s looking sometimes you can appreciate an attractive person without being a pig that is so important now if he’s a pig that’s a different story all right let’s get into it she

must say what’s gonna happen okay I’m gonna play Four Clips after each clip is played I’m gonna ask you a couple questions you have to pay attention okay [Music] oh this is the other woman right you must be his housekeeper no I’m his wife Kate wasn’t there another girl what [Music] you smell amazing what is that because you sweat what do you want to do I love this movie you’re going through Mano pods what color are Kate Upton’s eyes brown okay what secret did the girls find out about the cheating husband to use

against him as Revenge he was stealing money from his Partners wow I’m so impressed that you got that I love this movie in the trailer how many girls did the husband cheat with I’m gonna discuss three just based on Kate Upton Leslie man and Cameron Diaz so after you go through all the clips I’m gonna tell you your results okay oh hey why don’t uh I put the food in the fridge and we can eat it later I just don’t understand the point of this um is there a place that I could go freshen up down the hall and uh second

door to your left oh Dad are you guys still here oh we cut the trip short France sucks my uncle used to bodyguard we’ll just grab some food foreign [Music] [Laughter] Yeah well yeah no you wasted this baby just lying one question one what was the first thing that Rachel sat on when she walked out piano what was Joshua’s mother holding in her hands the fruit platter What was Rachel’s excuse for the

lingerie she works at Bloomingdale’s and she’s like a designer or whatever she has like gone in public wear it and get people’s opinions on it none of this is making sense to me at all what’s the point of this first The Other Woman then friends and now Avengers before I worked for shield thank you what did Natasha come to ask Loki about what his plans were I couldn’t really hear it in the beginning go go I think I’m catching on to what you’re trying to do [Music] take her down yes what color was Maddie’s jumpsuit green

what color was Cassie’s outfit wait so I wasn’t actually just trying to quiz you on all those clips right okay I kind of figured it out based on the fact they put Jeff France and and uh Cassie there was an eye tracker set up the entire time that you’re watching all those clips and we’re gonna go back together and watch everything that you looked at throughout all those clips I was good I mean I already saw I was good I was watching you I was a good boy are you sure about that would you want to put money on that do

you want to make a bet how confident do you feel do you feel lucky you shouldn’t are you nervous still my Palms are sweating okay so here’s the first thing I want to know before we go back and watch this how many questions did I get right you got all of them right except for two I don’t even want to know Kate Upton’s eyes are blue and Cass was wearing blue so you’re ready to see where your eyes went I’m doing good boobs I’m sorry I didn’t say that I didn’t say that it didn’t happen it

didn’t happen to stop why don’t you keep watching at least you didn’t look at the man nipples I’m just kidding ice oh I don’t like this 2000 to get worse like I was good in this how do you think that you did in that two times I look two times what do you think did awesome look two times comment down below how many times awesome looked on the first clip how many times did you look this wasn’t about me I think I was a lot better on this one at least compared to the last one I mean I only looked cute celebrity

crash I’m good nothing’s even happening oh it gets worse there’s like a solid five seconds where you just went back and forth between both of them I mean to be fair she looks absolutely god-like in this look at that that was a that was a good one too okay I did look a lot more in this one look at that was it what was that let’s rewind that shall we you couldn’t pick which one you liked the best one two three four five that wasn’t even respect there’s no proof there is I plead the fifth

I swear lead the fifth I can’t even call a lawyer do you have anything you like to say no not my lawyer you were actually very good I Don’t Like Scarlett Johansson is that why because you weren’t even really looking at her I guess I know a lot of people do I’m just not one like you didn’t even look at her butt here to be fair you really did not look at all on this one really I was very impressed Ronald this was like a more this was a more subtle look though I just wanted to see if you would you’d

look at her even if she had a lot of clothes on do I get around with clothes for that no no this was the last one I specifically chose because one time we were watching Euphoria and I literally just look over at him and he’s just like at Cassie’s boobs if Henry Cavill was up there and he was nude on screen answer my question but that that’s what happened this is not about it it happened whatever let’s let’s just watch the video back let’s check out her white dress oh it is blue okay that’s my bad from

far away look wait it looks more like a cream to me though so I looked at everyone’s boobs there here’s where you were a little uh everything was everywhere here come here it comes look at that look at that chase look at the chase that was like a damn I can’t even keep up with it let’s go back here we go ready I’m leaving I’m leaving no sit your butt down and watch watch what you’ve done look at look at look at look look at that look at that it’s not fair census you looked but you know what it’s fine

no forbidden you don’t even get to look at you can’t look at my boobs for the rest of the day because of that listen I always call right-handed and you’re right I know I should have been looking I really only have eyes for you they have no meaning to me like you do you’re my everything oh I’m glad you did this I’m glad you guys got to see me get embarrassed by Lexi all men needed this respect your woman love her care for always and specifically only look at her boobs I just really hope this doesn’t

take away my title of sim King because like you really are the only girl for me and I want to sin for you for the rest of my life okay guys we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a comment down below what was your favorite part of the video let’s get this video to 5 000 likes before we go make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button turn on those notification bells and drop a comment down below what do you guys want to see us do now until next time that’s a wrap .


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