
hey guys welcome back channel it’s me awesome as you can tell from the title of today’s video Lexi and I are getting married but not exactly before all you guys give me hey give me problems start trashing me in the comments patrolling all of you I’m not trolling anyone besides Lexi I’ve said it before and I’m gonna say it again but I will propose to Lexi and we will get married when the time is right for both of us so you guys have been asking us so much for me to propose for Lexington I got married let’s jump the

gun a little let’s just get married now but let’s prank like she did thinking that we got married already I went and printed out all the documents needed to officially get married in Massachusetts just because there is a lot of legal things that go down with it you don’t want to be illegally forging any documents in the United States I went online and made my own few copies I even took some documents and threw some pranks in it it literally says in bold letters you’ve been pranked by the Sim

King I went and made a marriage certificate this certifies that Austin Shapiro and lexicon were unified in marriage on the 24th of January the ceremony was witnessed by no other than Ryan Reynolds and celebrated by the friends and family of Danny DeVito but the best part about it is that Lexi’s gonna be so distracted by the idea of us actually being married and me doing this behind our back she’s not gonna realize all the hidden Clues within everything that literally make it as a joke you guys might also be sitting there

thinking Austin how are you gonna walk into the house hand Lexi all these documents pre-filled out and she’s actually believe that this will actually happen Lexi thinks I’m meeting with her accountant right now I told her that I was spending the day getting all our taxes done getting our business set up so I’m going to call Alex up right now tell her I’m rushing home and then I need to assign some papers for the accountant and then I’m going to come back and we’re going to show her the

document she actually signed okay so let’s call Lexi hello hi I just had to run out of the account he needs you to sign a bunch of documents for me I’m gonna run to the house I’ll be back in 10 minutes can you sign it all quickly but will you be ready to shiny sacraments really fast they’re really important yes I need to secure my corners fine where will you be in the house upstairs or downstairs okay thank you I’ll see you in 10 minutes bye love you I love you um he has like three other people waiting

for him so he’s taking care of someone else right now while I get these papers it doesn’t matter as long as your signatures down there maybe the paper should be more clear about wearing design for the business sign on the web on there both just one you’ve done this I’ll probably back like an hour or so okay we can’t nowhere to do whatever we want so I’m gonna go out and run some errands I did it Austin Alexi LLC is officially in business  what one oh you just literally wiped every single

ounce of lip gloss I had on my list it is all over me Johnny wants to know what day when we want to come in the office um so they give us one said he had some meeting or something but I think Thursday was more free okay do you want to see all your documents though for the business okay well what am I supposed to be looking at well the certification is all the documents like it’s kind of cool oh just that we have like the business the official business and stuff I have a second surprise for you as well I don’t understand

what does it say on top right now yeah this is your second surprise it’s because we shouldn’t really good am I like CEO or something we just I don’t think we should publicize yet until we’re ready Mrs Shapiro what what we’re married now we were married you’re actually joking no not even a little Austin this is The Happening kidding me right we’re going up dinner today did you also see wait are you this is not your Lexi Shapiro now oh yeah you’re kidding me do you want I I got the certificate of marriage also

are you serious yeah are you kidding are you happy are you actually I also know how you made your first name Alexis so I also went and got your name changed Fisher relaxing so now you’re officially Lexi Brooke Shapiro foreign that way we won’t tell anyone about it until we’re officially ready to go public I got the marriage is it Joe Austin Austin foreign are you happy this would be for the rest of our lives tell me will be the ring I have no no this no this didn’t want to get married no this isn’t good what do you mean this

isn’t good but I thought we wanted to get married is this for y’all yeah this is actually film yes can you stop for five seconds to tell me this is really real on community side document said no I was signing do you see nothing wrong with that no like we’re officially married but no wait still where what so you were at the where were you the town clerk’s office Austin like I don’t I’m having a very hard time understanding why you didn’t tell me that you wanted because I knew if I told

you you wouldn’t have wanted to do it you changed my name to Lexi legally yes don’t I need to be present for that no I’ve seen your shoes I’m requesting that my name changed be changed for the following reason marriage but if you okay I’ll stop imagine being a little frustrated I don’t under but I don’t understand okay you love me right no love me for a second hold on a second this is not all right at all baby please I don’t understand how compelled you this morning to wake up go to the

clerk’s office and say I’m going to get married to a girl that that I know isn’t comfortable getting married right now I just figured this was spontaneous going to the town clerk’s office on a random January afternoon is not spontaneous yes it is you do not love me Are you seriously gonna pull that card do you or do you not love me listen baby please pepper it’s not even a real pepper I love you a lot just stop doing big peppers like no if you tell me you love me and is that cherry stop throwing fake fruit at me

hold on I’m actually trying to process this I’m actually trying to find something just sit just sit awesome don’t get down on one yeah I’m so serious I’m so seriously just sit just sit listen you love me right I love you awesome but you have to go take all all this back all right I’m not joking yes you can I know that there’s a way to do it you have to file for divorce no we will not Austin this is so stupid no can you can you you’re done just take a look hold on just beat me look at our marriage sit

down awesome maybe I’m so serious stop can you just trust me are you really pissing me off I’m not looking at something that I don’t want I love you I love you awesome you know that I love you so much I want to marry you one day but waking up one day on a random afternoon and just deciding that we’re gonna get married is not how to do it this is so out like this is so out I don’t get how this is out here all right stop stop just can you just shut up for a second maybe if you have a return policy this

is this is how to file for annulment does parents know about certificate my parents do not know about that I needed a witness I needed someone else there besides the person I had if you read the message you know just read the marriage certificate please trust me I probably put another thing wrong I’m not speaking to you any of these real are any of these real are any of these real can you just can you just tell me are any of the real are any of them real read it out loud read the Bold writing out loud agreement for the provision of

introductions no the Bulls you’ve been pranked you’ve been pranked by the Sim King present on the day of the wedding otherwise the marriage license is not oh wait wait can you read the marriage statement for me out loud well let me get the camera read the marriage statement for me out loud specificative marriage this certifies that Austin Shapiro and Lexi Cohen were United in marriage on the 24th day of January in the year 2023 the ceremony was witnessed by Ryan Reynolds celebrated by friends and family of Danny DeVito so are you

really mad at me I’m actually quite a little bit mad yeah I’m a little frustrated I got you though I got you a little annoyed but if you read really closely I wrote Ryan Reynolds must be present on the day of the wedding otherwise a marriage license is null our clergy man was Arnold Palmer like the like the golf player oh like the lemonade that was definitely the best prank I’ve ever done too can we get married one day though for real when the time is right yes when the time is right if you want to say never sign anything

you don’t read okay guys thank you so much for watching today’s video make sure to hit that subscribe button hit that like button turn on those notification bells and drop a comment down below what was your favorite part of today’s video let’s get this video to 7.

5 K likes bye guys that’s a wrap [Music] thank you


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